Hatov V' HaMaitv We Need Your Help


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Hatov V' HaMaitv We Need Your Help

Tummuz 26, 5763 Shalom Aleykhem! The name of Hashem be blessed eternally. I am seeking help to make a trip to Erets Israel with my soulmate soon as we can raise the funds, our goal is to be "Married" we have been together for three years and we don't desire to marry in the USA. My name is Rabbi. Yoseif Avidor Leevy 45 years old and visually impaired and living on $552.00 dollars a month SSI, my beloved is 52 years of age her name is Shayndel Ruth Shofar we are both Ultra Orthodox and live according to the halakhah of Torah. We currently live in Tallahassee Florida [USA] and for the past few months have been seeking help to go to Israel and be married, however sadly enough there is no one here to help nor to speek to on the subject. We have saved up $200.00 dollars so far of our own monies, but we need help in order to complete our quest. Being blind many American Jews tend not to want to speak with us at all here, and since there is no Orthodox here in North Florida life is very hard on us. I am going to place my home address and email in this letter for those of you whom want to assist in our marriage. Yoseif Leevy & Shayndel R. Shofar 1747 Capital Circle NE # 205 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5561 USA [email protected] Anyone who desires to help us can contact us via email and we will send you ouur phone number, if you wish to assist us we will give you the name of our Bank. Shalom Hatzlacha and Kol Tov. Yoseif & Shayndel