hellllllloooooo gırls


New member
hellllllloooooo gırls

how are all of you?? im in turkey now...im having great time i really miss you all we have here computer and o have time so i got in to say hey to all of you welcome to all the new girls im sure you will have great time with us love you all meital


New member

מה אין לך עברית במחשב? אוף.. לא נורא? איך בטורקיה?


New member
אופס התכוונתי-->> !


A d r i a n n e

New member

I'm gonna write in English in case you can't see Hebrew over there. HEY!!!!!!!!~#$)(@!_$)(!@($!)(%#_(%_@(%^_@#)%(^ How ARE you?! I hope you're having the best time EVER. How's Turkey? Are ye having fun? Hope you are. WE MISS YOU! :( Hurry back. ^_^ Oh and did you get to see Michelle? ;) [I've no idea how to spell it lol everone does it differently..] I'm to lazy to check lol but didn't you say you might be meeting him over there?
Anyways. no more babbling. *Shuts up* All in all, we love you and we miss you and can't wait 'till you get back but have a brilliant time while you're there! Enjoy yourself, luv [have I ever mentioned how very POSH I am? Lol] Loves, Moi


New member

i'm sorry that i write in hebrew...
umm..i dont speak english very well so i just want to say that we are very miss you! ;] umm..so how's in turkey?:] i hope you enjoy and COME BACK SOON! ^__^ love, shir :]

A d r i a n n e

New member

יש מצב שהיא יכולה לקרוא בעברית, פשוט לא רציתי להסתכן