hello everybody I´m back


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hello everybody I´m back

And I´m married the wedding was great although we had problems with the car it stopped in the middle of the way so we didn’t arrive to the photo shots in the park but after we got to the "olam" everything was perfect. so some details about everything the place GANEY DEL VINO the photographer was IZIK DAUS the DJ MAPZIZIM and the rebai ISRAEL BOSO who made the evening everybody fell in love with him And I want to send many thanks to ETI ELBAHARI who did the make up. She made me so beautiful everybody said that I was charming she has some pictures of me and if she wants she can put them so everybody can see. As you remember I brought the dress from London I will try to send Eti a picture so she can put it on the forum. And that is it, if anybody have some questions please do not hesitate asking. Liat


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Wellcome home ... ../images/Emo73.gif ../images/Emo61.gif

so how do you feel ? do you have a pictures from your photographer? hatzehira


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