Hello from New Zealand

ross geller nz

New member
Hello from New Zealand../images/Emo6.gif

Hello! I believe Shiran has already introduced me a bit :) My name is Lee, and from NZ. And luckily I´m a bit of a fan of Xena :D hehe Unfortunately I can´t yet read Hebrew, so I haven´t been able to read anyone else´s posts, and I´m having to rely on Shiran to translate the few buttons I´ve needed to push. But anyway, if there´s anything you´d like to ask me about New Zealand (you can ask in english or hebrew, it doesn´t matter), I´ll be more than willing to answer them :) till later Lee aka Ross


New member
Is it worth living there, or are

you like most kiwis who say that it´s a good place to visit, but it´s too boring to live in all your life? Plus, how old are you? And why do you wanna be known as that asshole character Ross Geller? You actually like him:)? Oh, and, WELCOME!!!
hey Lee

Hey Lee , It´s nice to "meet" you , or whatever it is you say on-line . Are you from the southern or northern island in New Zealand ?. I had the chance to visit there it is really beautiful , but I guess those who aren´t really into nature can´t find anything to do , except maybe for those who live in Oakland . I didn´t really knew about actors from your country , except for Sam Neil of course who I love (my favorite movie is Merlin – so you can understand why I like him). Do you get the chance to go abroad much , what do you think about Israel ?. Anyway it´s nice to see , that not only Israelis take notice of our forum . P.S- are you Jewish , if not why are you interested in learning Hebrew ?

shiRan WP

New member

חחחחחח הוא מה זה חמוד:) אני מדברת איתו כבר חצי שנה הוא מתעניין ללמוד עברית בגללי אני חושבת, הוא רוצה לבוא לישראל בפברואר:)