help/info on moving to israel


New member
is it?

i found out yesterday not long after i placed my first post that,I don't have to be jewish to be able to live in israel.Besides I'm not looking for citizenship.I would just like to live there for a year or so. I get from your post that perhaps there may be some objection from some towards the idea of non jewish residing in I wrong?


New member
Please note

I am aware of those factors.As a tourist however you are unallowed to work,so in order to recieve a tempory working visa as you said i will have to be offered work first and even then it's not certain.Yeh, it's not an easy thing to attain... Also my boyfriend is israeli so apparently,we may be able to work something out becasue of that.....i still have to wait back and here from the guy i spoke to here to see what information he has can't hurt to try anyway.....if never tried stuff because it was hard,we'ed never get anywhere...right?


New member

hahhahah....are you sure about that?? :) each time i go i can still never get over how many irish bars there are....yet no irish to be seen! thanks for good wishes. i'll let you know how it goes


New member

no problem to work in israel: the best bet i would do is to first, maybe apply to the kibbutzim. They take on tourists from all over the world to work voluntarily in israel, you have accomodation, and the best thing is that you are with others, who can help you: if you want the website, i can post for you when i find it ambrosine


New member
help/info on moving to israel

hi, I have been looking all over for info on moving to israel, visa etc and can't find anything.i was advised to leave a message here,and someone might be able to help me. I am seriously considering moving to israel,.I am not jewish though,and hope this is not an issue.I was born and live in ireland,and hold a dutch passport. if someone could give me some information i would be so greatful kelda


New member
sounds good

hey, yeh i looked into that....sounds like something i'd definatly think of doing.actually yesterday I was able to speak with the consuler in the israeli emmbassy here in Dublin.I found out some really usfull's not easy to get in but i have refrences which apparently work greatly in your favour. just have to find someone to hire me.....