Hi anashim! DICK! kanes lepo!
first of all - dick, when you go back to your base on sunday, please pay attension to the road, so that you'd be able to give me directions! I'll call you next week on revii-hamishi kedei letaem. And for all you other dicks: It's my fuckin birthday and i didn't get no calls from you shitheads!! haku haku ya bnei! sheatem tihiu belondon vetihie lahen yomuledet, ani lo itkasher gam! Talinka! tsipiti leyoter mimeh! Vegam mimeh, ktsitsa! vekamuvan shemimha, dick! aval meile ki ata batsava n shit... kitser - Ya Bnei!!! And Benny Afro - STFU! or as they say here, shut your bloody fucking piss-o-shit mouth!!! YUVAL: inbar i love you and i miss u!!!!!!!!!
first of all - dick, when you go back to your base on sunday, please pay attension to the road, so that you'd be able to give me directions! I'll call you next week on revii-hamishi kedei letaem. And for all you other dicks: It's my fuckin birthday and i didn't get no calls from you shitheads!! haku haku ya bnei! sheatem tihiu belondon vetihie lahen yomuledet, ani lo itkasher gam! Talinka! tsipiti leyoter mimeh! Vegam mimeh, ktsitsa! vekamuvan shemimha, dick! aval meile ki ata batsava n shit... kitser - Ya Bnei!!! And Benny Afro - STFU! or as they say here, shut your bloody fucking piss-o-shit mouth!!! YUVAL: inbar i love you and i miss u!!!!!!!!!