
n i v1

New member

מה שקורה כאן בפורום הזה זו חזרה בתשובה המונית בכלל. כולכם משתפכים. לכולכם נפתח הברז לאט לאט. בסיפוק רב אני מביע את שביעות רצוני מהמצב הזה. מוטב מאוחר מאשר אף פעם. אם נחכה עוד כמה שנים, אני צופה שזה יקרה לכם עוד פעם. אז למה לא להתחיל מעכשיו????

n i v1

New member
hi #2

i´m not in IL so excuse my ENG. i love ST i love B5 i dont like SW about the fans: someone like me who´s got a st tatoo on him gets all the bulshit u said about st. i´ve heard it all. i gustpay no attention, and these people mae me lough most of the time. a week and a half ago, some people at work saw my tatoo, so one of them, his reaction was like: " oh, these syupid people..." he wasnt mean or something, it was so funny. all of us loughed, he was so honnest at that moment. this argument of yours is futile, and boring. who cares whos the worst fan? and the answer this guy got from you,you took the entire page, i took the liberty of not reading it.period.

n i v1

New member

i just saw fallen hero now. i remember i liked it a great deal when i saw it first. then i realized how come most of you friends out here dont see it the way me and tzami look at it. 1-it´s different to see it on tv- i see it on my lpt. 2- u see it oncea week. i can watch any time during the day. it´s as if its more intimate. i hope u understand the meaning of what i´m saying. 3- i look at it in a different perspective. not only as a fan, but as a "fan reviewer". i watch, i study the charecters and the script, the story line, i review, i critisize. i feel as if i know it inside out. and about the gapsand the hole, you think i dont see´em? there´s a saying: dont ruin a good story with the facts. and here´s a new hole in the script for you to judge and analize: second season, we´re gonna learn that the volcans 1st contacted the humans in the 1950´s, while during "enterprise", it´s openly said that it was in "star trek : first contact" via ZAF COCRAN. go a head : ASSIMILATE THIS...