higher education


New member
higher education

Hi, I am 23 years old, and I am considering making Aliyah in the next couple of years. However, I also want to be a doctor (I have applied two years in a row in Canada and the US). I know that there are 3 medical programs in Israel that are taught in English and are structured like North American medical schools, but they are VERY expensive, and if I were to make Aliyah there is no way that I could afford it. And I wouldn't be able to take the Israeli programs because my Hebrew is not good enough (and I have heard that it is nearly impossible to get accepted). Now, I know that all new olim under a certain age are allowed to enroll in university for three years, free of charge, but I already have a Bachelor's of Science. Is there anything that would help me pay for my medical education? Or do you think I would be better off staying in Canada until I finish medical school? I would appreciate any advice!! Sorry this was such a long entry. ~ Jennie


New member
Medical School

Medical school in Israel is at the bachelors level. In other words, you do not need to obtain a bachelors degree before entering medical school there. Unfortunately, the websites that discuss educational incentives for those making aliyah state that medical school education is not covered by the free education program. Perhaps you can look at a work while you study program. There are several different kinds of programs that you might find good for you. Look at the website below, this might help. www.israelprograms.org


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other options

Thanks for the reply! I am aware that Israeli medical school is at a bachelor's level, but I couldn't find the websites that state it is not covered as free education for new olim. I guess I will either have to go to medical school in Canada before making Aliyah, or find some private source of funding/loans to attend one of the medical programs in Israel that are designed for Americans/Canadians who will return to North America. As far as a "work while you study" program goes, I could not find anything at the website you indicated. But I know it certainly would not be possible to work while studying medicine anyway. I suppose I should keep my options open and consider other educational routes. Thanks again! ~ Jennie