how disappointing

how disappointing

so yesterday night i was wimming in the pool when i suddenly felt a real sharp pain in my side belly. it took me 20 minutes to get out of the water and dress and call my husband. we started monitoring the pain and saw it came every 7-10 minutes. when the waves came i could barely breath, walk , talk, any way you get the point. we were really happyy and called the midwife after 3 hours of this., she sounded suprised by my pain description and told me it doesnt sound like contractions. we went to see her any way as she says, every woman experiances birth and labor differently. so it turned out i was having very mild contractions and what happned was that i ripped a muscle in my stomach and it was just muscle crapms! she believes i have at least a week or two to go! me and my husband and my mom drove back home, i got in the shower and cried. i thought i will be holding my little baby girl that night!!! well now we wait


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באמת נשמע מאכזב ומתסכל ../images/Emo24.gif

מאחלת שבקרוב-בקרוב "על אמת"!
תשתדלי לחשוב חיובי - היו לך 3 שעות של תירגול הרפיה והתמודדות עם כאב הצירים! תאמיני לי שזה משתלם!

yes for sure it was a good "tirgul" for coping with pain and also seeing how my husband acts. they say you cant know how someone will act in a stressful situation. although i had a 100% confidence in him i surely learned that he acted just as amaizingly as i imagined. so i guess thats a good lesson too, hopefully the next message will have our birth story...
../images/Emo9.gif איך שמת לב?

הייתי בחופש שבועיים וחצי, בלי מחשבים, בלי עבודה, כמעט כל הלילות ישנו בחוץ (חוץ מהאירוח הנפלא במלבורן כמובן - תודה
לא יודעת אם מותר להסגיר... אבל בהצלחה!), בקיצור היה ממש כיף, כל לילה דמיינתי איך אנחנו נוסעים לישון בחוף ואני יולדת תחת כיפת השמים... מקווה שהכל הסתדר, לי יש עוד 7 שבועות (רשמית) ולא נרשמים אירועים מיוחדים
same fantasy

hey yael, we live near the great forests and mountains in north america and we hike and camp a lot. i had the same fantasy where on one of our camping trips i just have the baby. but unfortunatly there is no way it could happen , unless you call the dog park i occasionally go to "under the starts" because its too cold here to camp now and so i mostly stay home...well it was a nice dream, maybe next time i will have a summer baby and then we will see. so how are the birth choices coming along? what did you decide to do? any way wishing you a wonderful pregnancy and beautiful birth
יחד עם הבאסה זה נשמע קצת מצחיק../images/Emo8.gif

שכל זה בגלל שריר בבטן. אבל את יודעת, אנחנו לא פילים ועוד מעט זה ייגמר עם לידה טובה ותינוקת מקסימה