how do i configure a home net?
sorry, no hebrew on this computer... hi. i got a pc and a mac, connected togheter using tcp/ip based connection (pc-maclan) and a wide-band connection, that is connected to the pc. i can share files with the mac. how do i configure the pc so i can share the internet as well?? if you do not macs, please answer as if they both were pc thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the pc is p3 500 256mgb and got both 98se and 2000pro, 2 realtec cards the mac is g4 with over 400mb...
sorry, no hebrew on this computer... hi. i got a pc and a mac, connected togheter using tcp/ip based connection (pc-maclan) and a wide-band connection, that is connected to the pc. i can share files with the mac. how do i configure the pc so i can share the internet as well?? if you do not macs, please answer as if they both were pc thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the pc is p3 500 256mgb and got both 98se and 2000pro, 2 realtec cards the mac is g4 with over 400mb...