i have a crepy lagande for u !


New member
i have a crepy lagande for u !

i have a creapy urban lagende for u..(its from brazil ..my mom is from thir and thay have a lot of those lagands) once there was a nice babysitter..thogh a bit odd.the children got along with her and that was the importent stuff.so thir mom needed to go shopping and she left them with the babysitter..and when she got back the babysitter had opend the door with a smile..she said that she coocked dinner for her..and she asked the mom to open the oven and see for herself..and there thay was..her two little babybies..cooked like chikens.creapy ha? thats why my mom never took a baybissiter in her life to watch me..:)..


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i am not that bed/

well i know i am not perfect with my spelling mistakes..but i am not that bed for a peson who has dislectziya..


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זה מ-ז-ע-ז-ע. אני אוכלת כרגע, ועשית לי בחילה. בעעע!