i saw orlando again


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i saw orlando again ../images/Emo13.gif

he was doing MTV TRL today here in London. I saw him as he was leaving after the show. it was funny, only about 8 of us were waiting around the back loadsssssss of people waited around the front and obviously HE LEFT FROM THE BACK so we saw him, we asked for autographs, he held the pen and he was going to sign but the security guards literally PUSHED him into the car, as if he's some criminal being pushed to the back of a police car... it was funny. he was nice though, i mean, if the guards weren't there he would have signed to us, and he kept shouting 'sorry! sorry!' lol. i'm glad i met him before already and got his autograph then. xxxxxx liron
../images/Emo103.gifכפרה עליו.../images/Emo99.gif

מפעם לפעם גם את נשברת ומודה שהוא פשוט מתוק. נכון או לא?
אניוואי, שמחה שאת נהנת בלונדון. חבל שאת לא מבקרת פה יותר


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he's cute, and good looking, just not my taste! lol and well, i will not start about his acting........ lol i'm coming back to israel next month


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ייוואוו אני כל כך מקנאה גם אני רוצצה
ששווהה לך ביותר!


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אעע איזה חמודי../images/Emo99.gif

פאק כל כך כיף לך!
כבר פעם שלישית שאת פוגשת/רואה אותו או שאני מדמיינת?
אניוואי, הוא נשמע כזה חמודיייי


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second time, he didn't turn up at the elizabethtown premiere. which was weird because he was in london and he went to the press conference, he just didn't go to the premiere!
i met everyone else at the premiere though (kirsten dunst, susan sarandon and director cameron crowe)


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אכן שווה לחיות בחו''ל

חחח בלי קשר...אף אחד לא מגיע לארץ היבשה הזאת..!!!! !!!!!!!!YOU ARE SO LUCKY חחחח אורלנדו בלום כזה נשמה!!!!אני רוצה שיבוא לארץ!!!