iDF exemption


New member

First, if your medical profile will be low you won't get drafted. If it be sufficient you might be posted in a job that will be suited for you. If they won't draft you and you want to join you can volunteer But above all, the army's drafting policies will surly change several times until you make Aliyah. It might be best to check it prior to your arrival.


New member
when you'll start

with the Aliyah process, the Shaliach will consult with the army representative and will give you an answer for all of your questions. Meanwhile, I have heard that the army is working on an English web site!!! That will be wonderful for all who is interested in making Aliyah at drafting ages I'll keep an eye and check periodically to see when that happens


New member
iDF exemption

Shalom to everyone! I am considering Aliyah and I am thereby worried about the rules of drafting used by the IDF. I am partially sighted, and, therefore, was exempted from military service in my home country, but unfortunately, I could not yet find out anything about the IDF's drafting policy. Does anyone know more about it? Thank's for your support anyway!


New member
Drafting policy

Army service depends on three major factors: Your age on The date of your arrival to Israel; Your medical profile Your marital status on the date of your draft. These factors determines the length of your service. How old are you?