אני לא זוכרת מי המליץ עליו במקור אבל תודה, אני בדרך כלל לא אוהבת ספרים הומוריסטיים אבל זה מאוד דומה בסגנון לפראצ'יט בימיו הטובים (אם פראצ'יט היה טיפה יותר ציני)
לסופר קוראים A. Lee Martinez
בנתיים קראתי את :
Monster. (שהיה תענוג)
Meet Monster
. Meet Judy. Two humans who don't like each other much, but together must fight dragons, fire-breathing felines, trolls, Inuit walrus dogs, and a crazy cat lady - for the future of the universe. Monster runs a pest control agency. He's overworked and has domestic troubles - like having the girlfriend from hell. Judy works the night shift at the local Food Plus Mart. Not the most glamorous life, but Judy is happy. No one bothers her and if she has to spell things out for the night-manager every now and again, so be it. But when Judy finds a Yeti in the freezer aisle eating all the Rocky Road, her life collides with Monster's in a rather alarming fashion. Because Monster doesn't catch raccoons; he catches the things that go bump in the night. Things like ogres, trolls, and dragons. Oh, and his girlfriend from Hell? She actually is from Hell.
A Nameless Witch (אהבתי את הברווז והמטאטא)
מכשפה עם צרה מאוד מאוד רצינית, היא יפה מדי... ויש לה ברווז
She is beautiful, ageless, and cursed with an unfortunate appetite for human flesh. He is Wyst of the West, defender of the weak, sworn champion of decency, and avowed foe of evil. United on a perilous quest to save their world from an insane sorcerer, they must fight against the overwhelming temptation drawing them closer together. But can they?
ועכשיו קוראת את Gils All Fright Diner
ציני להפליא ודיי מוצלח.
Duke and Earl are just passing through Rockwood County in their pickup truck when they stop at the Diner - where the eatery's owner, offers them $100 to take care of her zombie problem. Given that Duke is a werewolf and Earl's a vampire, this looks to be right up their alley. But the shambling dead are just the tip of a particularly spiky iceberg.
מי עוד מכיר אותו? אני דיי בטוחה שקיבלתי את ההמלצה מכאן . הרבה יותר כיף להתלהב מספרים כאלו ביחד