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הייתי משרשרת לתוך "עידדכוני מקפליי" אבל זה נעלם איפושהו למטה סו.. הנה אבו כתבה עם דאגי [לבד] שהוא מדבר על הלהקה, הם קראו לו שם דאגי פייטון XD XD קיצר הנה הכתבה, למי שרוצה בקישור: והנה פה, סתם כי בא לי. תרגום יצורף עוד מעט.
הייתי משרשרת לתוך "עידדכוני מקפליי" אבל זה נעלם איפושהו למטה סו.. הנה אבו כתבה עם דאגי [לבד] שהוא מדבר על הלהקה, הם קראו לו שם דאגי פייטון XD XD קיצר הנה הכתבה, למי שרוצה בקישור: והנה פה, סתם כי בא לי. תרגום יצורף עוד מעט.

a McFly on the wall By Amber Windsor McFly with me Dougie, Tom, Danny and Harry Don't let McFly's clean cut image fool you. Amber Windsor talks to the band's bassist Dougie and finds out what the boys really get up to behind closed doors CONSIDERING the bulk of the uber- successful rock-pop band McFly's fans are teenagers, I don't expect bassist Dougie Peyton to say anything even remotely interesting, never mind risque. Mainly because, on the whole, boy bands have an image to keep up and it's squeaky clean. But I'm surprised at how down to earth, honest and funny Dougie is when we chat ahead of the band's Greatest Hits tour to promote the impressive back catalogue of catchy top-10 hits McFly has notched up. Dougie insists everything is going well and he and the other boys are enjoying writing for the new album. Perhaps it is this good mood which leads him to revealing more about his love life (or lack of) and how the band amuse themselves on the road than I am expecting. While on tour the band spend their time like any other lads of their age, watching films and playing Fifa on the Xbox. advertisement "It can get pretty intense, Tom and Danny have a real competitive streak," Dougie said. "I got caught out once looking for cheats on the internet - it didn't go well with the rest of the lads." Dougie describes being on tour as being "like a holiday". It's a refreshing take on gigging considering so many artists complain about how stressful and tiring it can be. "We get up around midday and hang out on the tour bus in board shorts having a bit of a strumming session or chilling out chatting and then once we're at the venue we set up and check the PA system," he said. "Then it's time for an epic food session. We have the best catering service which cooks all our meals for us. Keith the chef is a legend and I always eat better when I'm on tour than I do any other time of year." Unlike bandmate Danny and Harry, who have a few drinks to warm up and get in the spirit of things, Dougie and Tom prefer to perform on a beer-free belly. He said: "One time I had a few pints before I went on stage and I can't really remember it at all. I didn't feel my best and prefer to play sober then have a few drinks to celebrate a good gig." There are bound to be downsides to touring though, especially for a greatest hits gig where it's mainly revisiting old material. But Dougie insists this doesn't bother him, not even performing Five Colours in her Hair, their first hit. ‘We sit on glass tables and peek at each other’s bottoms.’ DOUGIE PEYTON But as an animal lover he does miss his chocolate Labrador Flea and the endangered iguanas he's taken to breeding. "I've always been interested in reptiles from a young age," he said. "So I decided to breed some endangered iguanas which are due to hatch in the next month or so." Dougie continues to explain while on the road a trusted friend is minding the iguanas for him. But we don't want to know about his pets, we want to know about his love life. Dougie laughs the question off and describes how he finds it hard to make time for his beloved pets, let alone a relationship. "I've been told I'm a bit cheesy. I once met this girl in Barbados who I quite liked and was set to fly back to England before her. When I touched down I sent her some flowers only to get a text message saying she wasn't interested. "The lads had a good old laugh about that." During our interview, bandmates Tom and Harry float in and out of the office while Danny is being interviewed in the room next door. It's clear the band is extremely closeknit as they exchange light-hearted banter. Since forming in 2002, the boys have spent almost every day together and know each other inside out. But Dougie's revelations of what they get up to in times of boredom had me wonder if they were a little too close. He said: "If we're in a green room waiting to do a TV show or something and we're slightly bored we have a tendency to get our bums out, sit on glass tables and have a sneaky peek at each others bottoms." "Harry's is like the figure of eight." he added. Juvenile exploits aside, it's clear Dougie is grounded and has a rational outlook of fame. He said: "For the first year or so of being signed I was like wow' because it's a great position to be in, but now it's just the norm to me, it's my job and I love it. "I have responsibilities now which other people my age might not, like having a mortgage, and sometimes that makes me stop and think." McFly Greatest Hits Tour, Fairfield Hall, Croydon. October 3. 7pm. Box office 020 8688 9291. 3:54pm Wednesday 26th September 2007