../images/Emo11.gif סיפור חדש שכתבתי - Sheep
אני יודעת, אני יודעת. קשה לכם לקרוא אנגלית. קצת מאתגר מידי.... לא? אבל בכל מקרה, אני מפרסמת פה סיפור שכתבתי באנגלית. זאת היא תפיסת העולם האמיתית שלי. אתם עלולים לא להסכים, ואולי כן להסכים (*שיעול* לא *שיעול), אבל בכל מקרה, זה קיים. אין לכם מה לעשות בקשר לזה. Sheep What is in this world? That is a question I like to ask, although I have never got a real and straight answer. What is really| in this world? Because I never got my answer, I will be the first one to try and answer the non-ending question. I thought about it a lot. Hours upon hours. A zillion of sleep-less nights. And finally, I got to a respectable answer - Sheep. That is what we really have in this world - Sheep. Just think about it: most people always go with the crowd. They usually aren't themselves; they are what ever is in fashion. I don't believe there are a lot of people in this world who are not Sheep. Actually, I believe there are about two Non-Sheep in this world. Two people who know who they are. Two souls. I know I am not a Sheep. I am a soul. And that is because I know who I really am, but do you? Not a lot of people do. Most people go with the crowd, laugh at the real beauty, and think they have it. Well, God of Stupidity - I believe you're a Sheep too, aren't you? With fashionable shoes; and fashionable clothes; and - dear God - even fashionable earrings! You go with the crowd too. Do what the others do. People always say that Sheep look the same. Well, guess what? So do you. But I know I am different. I must be, or else I wouldn't have realized the Sheep world called Earth. But I also know I am not the only soul in this world. Somewhere, another soul rests. It's like a little light, shining as it calls me. I know that one day, I'll find that other soul. I must. And when I will find that soul, I will know. And finally, I'll stop being a Sheep myself.
אני יודעת, אני יודעת. קשה לכם לקרוא אנגלית. קצת מאתגר מידי.... לא? אבל בכל מקרה, אני מפרסמת פה סיפור שכתבתי באנגלית. זאת היא תפיסת העולם האמיתית שלי. אתם עלולים לא להסכים, ואולי כן להסכים (*שיעול* לא *שיעול), אבל בכל מקרה, זה קיים. אין לכם מה לעשות בקשר לזה. Sheep What is in this world? That is a question I like to ask, although I have never got a real and straight answer. What is really| in this world? Because I never got my answer, I will be the first one to try and answer the non-ending question. I thought about it a lot. Hours upon hours. A zillion of sleep-less nights. And finally, I got to a respectable answer - Sheep. That is what we really have in this world - Sheep. Just think about it: most people always go with the crowd. They usually aren't themselves; they are what ever is in fashion. I don't believe there are a lot of people in this world who are not Sheep. Actually, I believe there are about two Non-Sheep in this world. Two people who know who they are. Two souls. I know I am not a Sheep. I am a soul. And that is because I know who I really am, but do you? Not a lot of people do. Most people go with the crowd, laugh at the real beauty, and think they have it. Well, God of Stupidity - I believe you're a Sheep too, aren't you? With fashionable shoes; and fashionable clothes; and - dear God - even fashionable earrings! You go with the crowd too. Do what the others do. People always say that Sheep look the same. Well, guess what? So do you. But I know I am different. I must be, or else I wouldn't have realized the Sheep world called Earth. But I also know I am not the only soul in this world. Somewhere, another soul rests. It's like a little light, shining as it calls me. I know that one day, I'll find that other soul. I must. And when I will find that soul, I will know. And finally, I'll stop being a Sheep myself.