מבחן החושניות


New member
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בוחן פתעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעע.. תוציאו את המחברות (לא צריך) תוציאו את העטים (לא צריך) רק סמנו בעיגולדים... ותביאו תוצאות למבחן החושניות


New member
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You are one sensual human being! You are titillated by the sensual stimuli of everyday life. The smell of flowers, the sensation of silk against the skin, the taste of food, the sound of music, and the rich colors of life tickle and tease you to ecstasy. Yours is a hedonistic attitude, and you deeply enjoy the physical pleasures that life has to offer. This is great-a good smell or beautiful color is often enough to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart. You are into long, emotional lovemaking (which is usually followed by an earth-shattering orgasm). This is fabulous for you and one would wager that your partner doesn´t mind either!