../images/Emo129.gifהפרק השבועי../images/Emo129.gif
פרטי הפרק בעברית:
שם הפרק: המסע הביתה
תקציר הפרק: אחרי שפוקדים את סם מספר חלומות, הוא משכנע את דין הלא מרוצה לחזור איתו לבית הילדות שלהם בפעם הראשונה. הם מוצאים הרבה יותר עם מה להילחם מאשר זיכרונות כואבים כאשר הדיירת הנוכחית של הבית, אם חד הורית עם שני ילדים צעירים, מתנסה בחוויה על טבעית מחרידה, בדיוק כמו בחלומות של סם. הבנים מאתרים מדיום מקומית מוזרה, מיזורי מוסלי, מי שמוזכרת ביומן של אבא שלהם, וביחד שלושתם נלחמים לשחרר את הבית מרוחות חזקים. אבל לפני שהם יכולים לעצור את מה שקורה עכשיו, אליהם להתמודד עם מה שקרה כאשר הם גרו שם - כולל המוות המחריד של אימם. הערה: תורגם ע"י איתן (dark warrior)
פרטי הפרק באנגלית:
שם הפרק: The Journey Home/Home
תקציר הפרק:
פרטים כלליים על הפרק:
מספר הפרק: פרק 9 בסדרה כולה, פרק 9 בעונה הראשונה (1.09)
שחקנים אורחים:
(Tv) Jeffrey Dean Morgan
John Winchester Haili Page Philippe
Richie Kristin Richardson
Jenny Loretta Devine
Missouri Moseley Samantha Smith
Mary Winchester Don Thompson
Mr. Guenther Jamie Schwanebeck
Sarry Jerry Rector
Joe the Plumber
Scene: Dean chops down a door and his face is framed in the hole. This is a visual reference to the 1980 horror film, The Shining. One of its most famous scenes is Jack Nicholson's face in the door he chopped up with an axe.
Dean: I mean first you tell me that you've got The Shining. This is an allusion to the 1980 Stanley Kubrick film, The Shining, starring Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance. Dean is comparing Sam to the character of Danny Torrance, who had a gift of clairvoyance and telepathy.
Dean: Any of this blowing up your skirt? While looking for their next job at the beginning of the episode, Dean says this to Sam when he realizes Sam isn't paying attention. It is likely a reference to Marilyn Monroe, who is famous for her scene in which her dress is being blown up by a vent she is standing on.
Dean: Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubinstein thing... This is in reference to the 1982 movie Poltergeist, in which Zelda Rubinstein played the part of the clairvoyant named Tangina Barrons.
פשלות והערות:
When Sam was getting the kids away from the spirit, he tells the girl the same thing, his dad said to Dean in the Pilot episode.
Dean's phone number, given in the previous episode, "Phantom Traveller," is again heard in John Winchester's voicemail message. The number has been updated with yet another easter egg (a working email address).
In the promotionals for this episode, this episode was billed as "The Journey Home."
First appearance of Dean's and Sam's dad. (without counting the "past" when they escaped the house.)
Loretta Devine, (who guest-stars in "Home") jokes about Jared and Jensen: "Those guys are just so bad. You never know what they're going to do, and you can't keep your eyes on both of them at once!"
After Sam has several haunting dreams, he persuades a reluctant Dean to return with him to their childhood home for the first time. They find much more to battle with than painful memories when the house's current occupants, a single mother with two young children, experience terrifying supernatural phenomena, just as in Sam's nightmares. The boys track down an eccentric local psychic, Missouri Mosley, who is mentioned in their father's journal, and together the three fight to rid the house of powerful spirits. But before they can stop what's happening now, they have to face what happened when they lived there - including their mother's horrible death. Amazing twists and revelations await Sam and Dean on their most personal mission yet.