../images/Emo129.gifהפרק השבועי../images/Emo129.gif
פרטי הפרק בעברית:
שם הפרק: The Benders
תקציר הפרק: סם ודין מגיעים למינסוטה, שם בחור צעיר עד להיעלמות של גבר לאוויר. במהלך החיפוש אחר רמזים, סם נחטף ע"י מה שהוא הניח-יצור על טבעי, ודין נשאר לחפש בטירוף את אחיו. אולם, שניהם נדהמים כשהם מבינים שהחוטפים הם אנושיים, המנצלים את השבויים כטרף אנושי בשביל משלחת ציד מעוותת. הערה: תורגם ע"י איתן (dark warrior)
פרטי הפרק באנגלית:
שם הפרק: The Benders
תקציר הפרק:
פרטים כלליים על הפרק:
מספר הפרק: פרק 15 בסדרה כולה, פרק 15 בעונה הראשונה (1.15)
Rocky Mountain Way ע"י Joe Walsh
שחקנים אורחים:
(Tv) Jessica Steen
Deputy Kathleen Jon Cuthbert
Alvin Jenkins Ken Kirzinger
Jared Bender Ryan Drescher
Evan McKay Sadie Lawrence
Mrs. McKay Alexia Fast
Missy Bender Shawn Reis
Lee Bender John Dennis Johnston
Pa Bender Sandra Steier
Guest Star
הערות, פשלות ואזכורים:
This is the first episode in the series where the villains are humans.
This episode is the first which doesn't feature a teaser at the beginning of the episode. Instead, it shows the "22 years ago" recap and then goes straight into the titles. All other episodes have a short teaser of the current story before the titles.
When Dean is tied up in the Bender house, he gets punched in the nose and starts bleeding. The blood disappears and reappears throughout the scene.
When the police database shows statistics for Sam and Dean it shows both as being 6'4". It is clear that Sam is taller than Dean.
The statement of Dean's "death" was a reference to the episode "Skin" in which a shapeshifter died and was buried while in Dean's form.
According to the computer readout, Sam was born May 2, 1983, in Lawrence, Kansas. He is 6’4”, 180-190 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes. Dean was born January 24, 1979 and "died" March 7, 2006.
Kid: Godzilla vs. Mothra. Dean: That's my favorite Godzilla! So much better than the original, right? (about Sam) He likes the remake. Movies in the Godzilla franchise referenced here include Godzilla (1954), Godzilla vs. Mothra (1962), and a remake, possibly the 1984 Godzilla remake, the 1998 American Godzilla, or the 1992 remake of Godzilla vs. Mothra.
Dean: If I tell you, will you promise not to make me into an ashtray? Real-life serial killer, Ed Gein, was infamous for using human body parts as pieces of furniture or decorations; among these were human skulls that had been turned into ashtrays.
Jenkins: Ned Beatty time, man. Alluding to the 1972 movie Deliverance starring Ned Beatty along with Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, and Ronny Cox. They play four city men who go canoeing down a river in Georgia and run afoul of vicious mountain men.
http://super.emedian.net/eps115.html http://www.supernatural.4fans.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=18 <img border=0 s
Sam and Dean head to Minnesota where a young boy witnesses a man vanish into thin air. Upon searching for clues, Sam is abducted by what he assumes is a supernatural being, and Dean is left to search frantically for his brother. However, both are stunned when they realize the kidnappers are human, and using the captives as human prey for a twisted hunting expedition.
Dean: Oh, you gotta be kiddin’ me. That’s what this is about? You yahoos hunt people? Pa: But the best hunt is human. Oh, there’s nothin’ like it. Holdin’ their life in your hands. Seein’ the fear in their eyes just before they go dark. Makes you feel powerful alive. Dean: You’re a sick puppy. Kathleen: (about Sam) Does your cousin have a drinking problem? Dean: Two beers and he’s doin’ karaoke. Dean: Don't ever do that again. Sam: Do what? Dean: Go missing like that. Sam: You were worried about me! Dean: I'm just saying, you vanish like that again and I'm not looking for you. Sam: Sure you are. Dean: No I'm not. Dean: (talking about Sam) When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire. And ever since then I've felt responsible for him, like it's my job to keep him safe. Deputy Kathleen: So you know his brother Dean Winchester died in St. Louis and was suspected of murder? Dean: Yeah, Dean, kinda the black sheep of the family. Handsome, though. Deputy Kathleen: Your, uh… your cousin's looking for you. Sam: Thank god. Where is he? Deputy Kathleen: I, uh… I cuffed him to my car. (trying to get out of handcuffs) Dean: I gotta start carrying paperclips. Pa Bender: So what, you with that pretty cop? Are you a cop? Dean: If I tell you, will you promise not to make me into an ashtray? Pa Bender: Tell me, any other cops gonna come lookin' for you? Dean: Oh, eat me! No, no, no... wait, wait. You actually might. Sam: I was looking for you. Jenkins: Oh yeah? Sam: Yeah. Jenkins: Well, no offense, but this is a piss-poor rescue. Pa Bender: Only reason I don’t let my boys take you right here and now is there’s something I need to know. Dean: How about “It’s not nice to marry your sister”? (looking at pictures of the family's victims) Dean: I'll say it again. Demons I get, people are crazy!