הפרק השבועי


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../images/Emo129.gifהפרק השבועי../images/Emo129.gif

פרטי הפרק בעברית:
שם הפרק: מקור
תקציר הפרק: זוג צעיר נרצח בביתם זמן קצר לאחר שקנו ציור עתיק של דיוקן משפחתי משנת 1910. בזמן בחינת המקור של התמונה, סם ודין מגלים שכל מי שאי פעם קנה את התמונה נרצח ומתחרים לגלות כיצד התמונה גורמת למותם של אנשים לפני שהיא תדרוש את קורבנה הבא. הערה: תורגם ע"י איתן (dark warrior)
פרטי הפרק באנגלית:
שם הפרק: Provenance
תקציר הפרק:
A young couple is murdered in their home shortly after buying an antique painting of a family portrait circa 1910. Upon reviewing the painting's provenance, Sam and Dean learn that everyone who has ever bought the painting has been murdered and race to discover how the portrait is causing the deaths before it can claim its next victim.​
פרטים כלליים על הפרק:
מספר הפרק: פרק 19 בסדרה כולה, פרק 19 בעונה הראשונה (1.19)
Bad Time ע"י Grand Funk Railroad
Night Time ע"י Steve Carlson Band
שחקנים אורחים:
(Tv) Taylor Cole
Sarah Blake Jodelle Ferland
The Ghost Girl Linden Banks
Guest Star Jay Brazeau
Researcher Jody Thompson
Ann Keith Gordey
Guest Star Kenton Reid
הערות, פשלות ואזכורים:
The song playing in the bar at the start is "Night Time" by Steve Carlson. Jensen Ackles sings backing vocals on some of Steve's other songs.
In a shot of parked cars near the beginning, the first one's license plates is "THE KRIP" - an in-joke reference to Eric Kripke, the executive producer and creator of the show.
There are many issues involved with Dean breaking the glass of the mausoleum. When he punched the glass and hit it with the handle of his handgun the glass flexed, but did not break. This would indicate that it was not glass but some type of material similar to plexiglass, which didn't exist until years after the family died. Also, when he shoots the glass, there was no indication of a bullet hitting the back of the case after passing through the glass, meaning the bullet disappeared between the glass and the back wall.
As several contributors noted, when Dean, Sam, and Sarah are examining the painting and spot the razor has moved, Jensen Ackles refers to Sam as "Jared."
When Evelyn takes off her glasses, she places them lenses out. After the commercial break, the glasses have reversed their position with the lenses toward Evelyn.
Dean: Alright, so you think daddy dearest is trapped in the painting and he’s handing out Colombian neckties like he did with his family? A "Colombian necktie" is a method of killing someone where the victim's throat is slashed and their tongue is pulled out through the open wound. It is popular in illegal drug-related homicides or in cases where the victim is being punished for revealing sensitive information.
Dean: Daddy dearest isn't here. Mommie Dearest was a 1981 film about actress Joan Crawford and her adopted daughter's efforts to please her. It was based on the 1978 book written by her daughter, Christina Crawford.
Sam: What, like a DaVinci Code deal? The DaVinci Code, a novel by Dan Brown, is about the search to uncover a code that will lead to the secret of the Holy Grail. It was made as a movie on 5/19/06 and stars Tom Hanks.​


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Sam: What kind of house doesn't have salt? Low sodium freaks! Sarah: Uh, isn’t this a crime scene? Dean: Well, you’ve already lied to the cops. What’s another infraction? Sarah: There are million things that I want to say to you, but for the life of me, I can't think of one. Sam: Yeah, I'll miss you too. Dean: Consignment auctions, estate sales - it's like a garage sale for WASPs if you ask me. Sarah: You’re shameless, you know that? Daniel Blake: For that kind of money, I can afford to be. Sam: Thanks, Dean, but I can get my own dates. Dean: You can, but you don’t. Sam: You know, I don't get it. What do you care if I hook up? Dean: Because then maybe you wouldn't be so cranky all the time. Sarah: You guys are uncomfortably comfortable with this. Sam: Well, this isn't exactly the first grave we've dug. Still think I'm a catch? Sarah: So this is what you guys do for a living? Sam: Not exactly. We don't get paid. Sarah: Look, you guys are probably crazy, but if you're right about this, well, me and my dad sold that painting. We might have got those people killed. Look, I'm not saying I'm not scared, because I am scared as hell. But I'm not going to run and hide, either. So, we going or what? Dean: Sam, marry that girl. Sam: I don't understand, Dean. We burned the damn thing! Dean: Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious. Sam: And nothing. That's it, I left. Dean: You didn't have to con her or do any special favors or anything like that? Sam: Dean, would you get your mind out of the gutter? Sam: Alright, so I think I got something. Dean: Oh yeah, me too. I think we need to take a little shore leave, just a little, what do you think, huh? I'm so in the door with this one. Sam: So what are we today, Dean? Are we rock stars, Army Rangers? Dean: We're L.A. TV scouts looking for people with special skills. I mean, hey, it's not that far off, huh? Dean: Grant Wood, Grandma Moses...what? Sam: Art History course. It's good for meeting girls. Dean: It's like I don't even know you. Sam: Maybe you can get her to write it all down on a cocktail napkin. Dean: Not me. Sam: No, no, no, no. Pickups are your thing, Dean. Dean: It wasn't my butt she was checking out. Dean: (mumbling to himself) I'm the one who burned the doll and destroyed the spirit, but don't thank me or anything!​
http://super.emedian.net/eps119.html http://www.supernatural.4fans.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=22
צפייה מהנה
(תגובות על הפרק - לכאן בלבד...)


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פרק מדהים!!!!!!!../images/Emo23.gif

הסוף...איזה סיום פרק מושלם! הוא אחד מהפרקים שהכי אהובים שלי... בפרק האחרון נראה לי שאני יבכה בסוף!! אני לא רוצה שזה יגמר.........
לפחות יש עונה שנייה... פרק מ-ד--ה-י-ם!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( סוף סוף סם משיג בחורה...) I LOVE YOS SAM


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פרק יפה...

יואו נשארו רק עוד 3 פרקים אם אני לא טועה... חבל.. Dean: (mumbling to himself) I'm the one who burned the doll and destroyed the spirit, but don't thank me or anything! חחחחח אהבתי...


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שרה הזאתי יהודיה ?!

היא יהודיה או שסתם היה בא לה להגיד "מזל טוב" בלי קשר..? חח ופרק ?! אחחד הטובים !!! :)


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מעכשיו הפרקים רק ילכו וישתפרו
ושרה חמודה
חחח דין די שיחק בmatchmaker

Charmed Or

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וכל מילה מיותרת. [חבל שהיא לא יכלה להשאר עוד קצת

G Baby

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../images/Emo45.gif שרה נהדרת!

ובכלל היה פרק מדהים! לא ייאמן שנשארו רק עוד 3 פרקים. וסוף ספטמבר כה רחוק

Charmed Or

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כן ואי../images/Emo112.gif

מצד אחד אני רוצה שיגיע כבר, אבל מצד שני אני לא רוצה שהחופש יעבור מהר


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פרק מדהיםםםם!../images/Emo45.gif

סופסוף סאם השיג בחורה...חחחחח... אהבתי את הנשיקה מאוד! אבל חבל שהוא עוזב אותה... _______________________ מי היה מאמין שזאת הייתה הילדה שרצחה את כולם
loving you is like breathing, how can i stop? 3>
הפרק שהיה אתמול.......

אחד הפרקים הטובים בעייני והמפחידים בעייני... אני לא מבינה איך מישהו יכול לחשוב שג'ארד יותר חמוד מג'נסן!

אני לא בפורום הזה אבל אני רואה את הסידרה המדהימה הזאתי יש לי שאלה כמה פרקים יש בסה"כ בעונה הראשונה?