פאנפיק השבוע...


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וברוח הפאנפיקים הנה פיק מאוד יפה מהפורום הרישמי (ולא ארוך:p) , שמערב גם על טבעי, גם אהבה, גם מתח...וגם שורות משהירים של MCR. בקיצור שווה:) Author: DemolitionLover137, who happends to be me. Genre: Drama, Love, Death, Supernatural, but just a teeny bit. Rating: Light R. PG-13, if that existed. Pairings: Gerard/Female Disclaimer: Have never met Gerard/MCR, Arial does not exist, they're not all vampires, this never happend. Which is a very good thing. Enjoy!


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../images/Emo41.gif והנה הוא........

Arial Everlasting I’ve looked death straight in the eye on many occasions. I’ve overdosed, gotten hit my a car, fell out of a tree, you got it. But I don’t think I’ve gotten a clearer picture of exactly what death is made of until I met Arial. I can’t hardly think of how you’d describe her. She had pale, pale skin, but flaming red hair to contrast it. She had rich emerald eyes that were always filled with danger. What Arial did was show me this whole new world of risk taking. I remember when I really met her, when she showed me her secret. That night at the park... We were both sitting idly on the swings, talking lightly, when she grabbed my hand, and said “Gerard... Can you keep a secret?” I must not have been fast enough, because she asked again. “Can you keep a secret?” I smirked. “Sure.” What did I know, I was eighteen, broke, and working at a comic book store. I had no idea where the hell I was going in life, but I hoped this girl would be in it. Her eyes glowed. “I’m immortal.” I was taken back. “What?” She rolled her eyes. “Immortal. I don’t die.” I cut her off. “Yeah, I know what immortal means. How?” She smiled viciously, and bared her fangs, literally. “I’m a vampire. Don’t you wonder why you never see me during the day?” I hadn’t really noticed that. I’m somewhat of a night owl myself. Being the dumb teenager I was, with a fixation of all things supernatural, I asked “Can I be a vampire too?” She smiled again, deviously. “No one bites anymore. But there is one way...” She tilted her head, and brought my lips towards hers. I kissed her back, passionate with the power of the night. She let go, and took my hand again. I stood up automatically, as if under her control. She whispered in a voice that hardly sounded human “Welcome to the Underworld.” For four years or so, we had the times of our lives. But that’s subjective; our lives would never end, or so we thought. We did things I never would have dreamed of as a mortal: sky diving, jumping off bridges, building up an immunity to cyanide. You know. For kicks. She was my bad ass girlfriend, I was her partner in crime. Together we were unstoppable, together we were immortal. Oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying. One night, after a monster truck show (I told you, we did everything.), a few tough looking guys started messing around with her. They reeked of booze and marijuana, clearly not in their right mind at all. The tallest of the bunch kept trying to coax her “Come on baby, take off your shirt, get in my pants, I won’t tell your boyfriend.” She slapped him. “He’s right next to me, you douche bag.” The guy grabbed her, and she screamed. He slurred “You don’t touch me, bitch. I’ll tell you what to do. Show me your tits.” He pulled out a pistol from his pocket, and held it up to her head. She sobbed, and looked at me in despair. I swear, I’d never seen her scared before, it was beyond frightening. I wasn’t about to let this skeave assault my Arial, so I smacked the gun out of his crooked hand and took her back. “You don’t treat my girlfriend like that, you motherfucking creep.” He extracted a second weapon. “Well, look who’s’ talking.” He walked towards us, and... shot me. I fell back with a searing pain in my chest. Hearing the shot, Arial screamed out “Gerard! Listen! Can you hear me baby?” I struggled, but still managed to say “Yeah sugar, what is it?” She dropped to her knees and cried. “I’m so sorry. I lied. I’m not a vampire! We’re not immortal.” I gasped, and started coughing. “I’m gonna die, aren’t I.” Tears quickly formed in those green eyes that I loved so much. “Yes. God, Gerard, I love you. Forgive me.” I thought back on all the girls who had broken my heart, and how she had mended those wounds with her wildness. If impressions of people can continue to the grave, I know she’s one I’ll never forget. Her request was left hanging in the air. I exhaled, and let everything slip away. I died right outside of a god forsaken monster truck arena. Who had I become? Doesn’t seem to matter anymore. It’s amazing how this little lie changed my life so drastically. Vampires will never hurt you, but this one kills.


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נכון...סיפור יפה אב

כמעט אף אחד לא טורח לקרוא את זה, כאילו איזה "מועקה" יש פה
סיפור יפה אנשים, תיקראו


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אז מה!

לא צריכים להבין כל מילה! ולא צריכים להעזר כל שנייה במילון או משהוא (אם מישהוא עושה את זה), רק אם משהוא ממש מפריע.... העיקר שמבינים את הרוב. ואז מה אם זה אנגלית כל עוד זה מעניין לי זה לא משנה:)


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חח לא קשור למוח

לכדי לכתוב באנגלית משהוא טוב צריך המון אוצר מילים, ולא רק אוצר מילים אלא לדעת איך להשתמש בשפה ולזרום בה.... גם אני כתבתי פאנפיק, ועכשיו אני התחלתי חדש.אני משערת שאני אעלה בקרוב את הפיק הראשון:)


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ממש יפה.

אווו פאנפיקים 3> אני מכורה לזה!!! חבר'ה תקראו אל תהיו עצלנים תאמינו לי שזה שווה. זה כל כך יפה!