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סתם, גם שיפרים שייכנסו, אבל הם לא יאהבו את זה
אני שובבה אז ככה... מצאתי שיר שאני נורא אוהבת... שנקרא she´s inlove with the boy של זמרת קאנטרי בשם טרישה יירווד... ו... הנה הגרסה שלי לשיר... ראו הוזהרתם
Gabby sittin´ on her old front porch Watchin´ the chickens peck ground. There ain´t a whole lot going on tonight In this one horse town. Over yonder comin´ up the road in a beat up Chevy truck. Her Girlfriend Xena, is splashin´ through the mud and the muck. Her daddy said, "She ain´t worth a lick, When it comes to brains She got the short end of the stick." But Gabby´s young and man she just don´t care She´d follow Xena, anywhere. She´s in love with the warrior She´s in love with the warrior She´s in love with the warrior And even if she has to run away She´s going to marry that girl someday. Gabby and Xena at the drive-in movie parked in the very last row. They´re too busy holding onto one another to even care about the show. Later on outside the tasty freeze Xena slips something on her hand. She says, "My high school ring will have to do til I can buy a wedding band." She´s in love with the warrior She´s in love with the warrior She´s in love with the warrior And even if she has to run away She´s going to marry that girl someday. Her daddy´s waiting up til half past twelve when they come sneaking up the walk. He says, "Young lady get on up to your room while me and warrior have a talk." Momma breaks in says don´t lose your temper it wasn´t very long ago, that you yourself was just a hay seed plow boy who didn´t have a row to hoe. My daddy said you wasn´t worth a lick When it came to brains you got the short end of the stick. But he was wrong and honey you are too, Gabby looks at Xena, like I still look you. She´s in love with the warrior She´s in love with the warrior She´s in love with the warrior And even if she has to run away She´s going to marry that girl someday. זהו, עכשיו תודו שאני כשרונית 
סתם, גם שיפרים שייכנסו, אבל הם לא יאהבו את זה