../images/Emo54.gif../images/Emo34.gif../images/Emo89.gif../images/Emo89.gifCue the pulse to begin
ווא, שירים מהג"ש.
בריאן, ג'סטין, אמט, גאס. D: ~פאתט~
בריאן. >:
Michael: [voice over narration] Like I said, it's all about sex. 'Except when you're having it, and then it's all about; "Will he stay?", "Will he go?", "How am I doing?", "What am I doing?". Unless, of course, you're Brian Kinney, and then it's "Who gives a fuck what you think? You're lucky to have me".
Brian: [to Justin] So are you coming or going? Or coming and then going? Or coming and staying?
Brian: Fucked him.
Michael: You did not. You looked at him.
Brian: That may appear to be what happened, but we did it all.
Michael: How was he?
Brian: Fabulous.
Brian: [to Justin] Pop quiz, no talking. Here's your question; multiple choice, "Do you want to come home with me?" A – yes, B – yes, or C - yes. Tick, tick, tick! Time's up, pencils down. What do you say?
Brian: [to Justin] Don't get smart, or I'll have to spank you.
Justin: I just saw the face of God. His name is Brian Kinney.
Justin: "Dirty Dancing". That's a really old movie.
Brian: What?
Justin: I said that's a really old movie.
Brian: It's not that old.
Justin: How old are you?
Ted: Ugh-oh.
Brian: How old do you think I am?
Justin: Thirty-three? [Everyone laughs.]
Brian: Fuck you.
Michael: He's twenty-nine.
Brian: And fuck you too! What did you tell him for?
Michael: Fair's fair.
Ted: And we all know what that means. In a few months, he'll be thirty. Might as well be dead?
Brian: Well, you ought to know. You already are.
Brian: [walking by a mirror and looking at himself] I'd fuck you!
Michael: Who's leading her on? We're counting cartons of toilet paper.
Brian: Yeah, which you can use because you're so full of shit.
Dr. David: Is that Hugo Boss?
Michael: [turning to see his back] Where?
Dr. David: [pointing at Michael] Your jacket.
Someone: You have a beautiful body.
Brian: I know.
Justin: You do! You give a shit! You so care about me! You love me so much!
Brian: [laughing] Get out!
Michael: I don't want to be a saint. I want to be a ruthless, heartless shit who fucks whoever he wants without conscience or remorse!
Brian: Sorry, that position has already been filled. [After Michael stopped Brian from attempted suicide]
Brian: Why do you always have to ruin everything?
Michael: Ruin? I'm saving you! Just like Toby Harper saved Captain Astro in issue 231 of Astro Comics, when Captain Astro thought that he lost all of his super powers.
Brian: God, you are so pathetic.
Michael: No, you are! Don't you see that you still have your powers? All of your powers! And you always will. Whether you're 18, or you're 30, or you're 50, or you're 100. You will always be young and you will always be beautiful. You're Brian Kinney, for fuck's sake!
Brian: You walked down with me, back to the Jeep, and we were goofing, we were dancing. I kissed you, said 'later.' And then you turned around and smiled. Then I knew why Debbie calls you Sunshine.
Brian: Where’re you going?
Justin: I'm leaving you to your wicked ways! Go find a stud and ask him to dance. [Starts to leave]
Brian: [follows Justin and grabs his shoulder] Hey stud, want to dance?
Michael: My dream is to one day…know what my dream is.
Brian: You were right. The reason I took you in was because you got a bat to the head. But it’s not the reason I want you to stay. But don’t get the idea that we’re some married couple, 'cause we’re not. We’re not like fucking straight people, we’re not like your parents and we’re not a pair of dykes marching down the aisle in matching Vera Wangs. We’re queers, and if we’re together it’s because we want to be, not because there’s locks on out doors. So if I’m not in, assume I’m exactly what I want to be doing: I’m fucking. And when I come home, I’ll also be doing exactly what I want to do: coming home to you.
Justin: Ok. I want some things, too. You can fuck whoever you want, as long as it’s not twice, same for me. And no names or numbers exchanged. And no matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing, you always come home by 3. And you don’t kiss anyone on the mouth but me. [After Brian thinks; they kiss]
Ted: I took Viagra last night! It's been 18 hours and it won't go down! What am I going to do?
Emmett: Have you tried soaking it?
Lindsay: How about a cold shower?
Brian: How about scaring it?
Justin: That's hiccups...
Brian: Boo! יש סירטון: