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הודעה חדשה ממיודעינו המושלם אלכס
נו מה. >< 5/19/05 - Surprise and Letter from Alex!!! Hey guys
I know things have been pretty quiet from me, since I’ve been busy creating new music and other great stuff…so, I thought I’d dig through my past and give you all a treat while you wait! Well, a few treats, to be exact. The first one that you’re getting now is the very first music video I ever did for a song called “Dormant Prayer”. My friend Jethro and I wrote the song and recorded the video ourselves over 10 years ago! Our duo group was called “Maybe Solitude”. This thing is soooo funny!!! I’m about 12 years old in it, but totally acting it up like I would now. I’m so glad Jethro dug this video up for us all; it’s really an important piece of my history. Now remember, I was only 12, and this song and video is about being an inmate on death row, on the way to being executed! What was going on in my tiny little brain?! I don’t know. I guess its still pretty tiny…Uh, anyway, I hope you all enjoy it! There will be more treats on the way to keep you busy like me! The band and I are really looking forward to these two shows in June. I’ve taken all your requests for a set list in consideration and it will definitely end up being a loooong show! Hey, and I get to write a tour diary…granted it will only be for two days. But, we all know how much crazy stuff can happen in just two days! So, enjoy, and I’ll speak to you all soon! All the love… Alex Band עכשיו, הוידיאו נמצא בלופט, אם יש אנשים רשומים שם (אם כן- איפה אתם
) וגם אם לא (
) אז הנה הכתובת: http://www2.fanscape.com/thecalling/streetteam/start.html לא תפספסו את זה, זה ממש בדף הראשון בולט כאזה. נו
ואני אראה אם אני יכולה להעלות אותו לפה. רוב הסיכויים שלא, אבל ננסה. ואני נורא רוצה להגיד. הוא לא tiny
זה שיר חביב מה. ו....... הוא לא tiny
הודעה חדשה ממיודעינו המושלם אלכס