../images/Emo220.gifהשירים והמשמעות שלהם על פי גאגא../images/Emo220.gif
היא פייסבקה עליהם לאחרונה, אחד אחד. נחמד לנסות לנחש אותם, או פשוט לדעת כי זה לא תמיד כ"כ קשה לנחש, אבל הנה הסיבות ומקור ההשראה שלה: I wrote MARRY THE NIGHT about having a good time in NY with my friends, and how I would never be a Hollywood girl. AMERICANO is what the American dream means to me. #LipstickRevolution I wrote HAIR about how my parents used to get pissed at my outfits and my hair when I was a kid. I started writing BORN THIS WAY in Manchester + Liverpool. I knew it had to be the first single. It still gets me every time. GOVERNMENT HOOKER was inspired by Marilyn Monroe + political mistresses. I wonder what they were privy to + what they affected. I went to a dirty party in Berlin, and wrote SHEIßE the next day. It's about wanting to be bad without permission. Shit. BLOODY MARY is about living halfway between reality and fantasy. BLACK JESUS was Justin Timberlake's favorite. Its about how putting on a new spirit is as easy as putting on fashion. Amen. BAD KIDS is inspired by stories many monsters shared with me on the road. I wanted a song to tribute their stories. ImABadKidToo FASHION OF HIS LOVE is about Alexander McQueen. HIGHWAY UNICORN is about me. Flying down the road, with nothing but a dream. [ודרך אגב- תשתמשו רק בכרום. אם בטעות אתם לוחצים על משהו במקלדת והדפדפן חוזר אחורה, הם שומרים את כל מה שכתבתם. מזל
היא פייסבקה עליהם לאחרונה, אחד אחד. נחמד לנסות לנחש אותם, או פשוט לדעת כי זה לא תמיד כ"כ קשה לנחש, אבל הנה הסיבות ומקור ההשראה שלה: I wrote MARRY THE NIGHT about having a good time in NY with my friends, and how I would never be a Hollywood girl. AMERICANO is what the American dream means to me. #LipstickRevolution I wrote HAIR about how my parents used to get pissed at my outfits and my hair when I was a kid. I started writing BORN THIS WAY in Manchester + Liverpool. I knew it had to be the first single. It still gets me every time. GOVERNMENT HOOKER was inspired by Marilyn Monroe + political mistresses. I wonder what they were privy to + what they affected. I went to a dirty party in Berlin, and wrote SHEIßE the next day. It's about wanting to be bad without permission. Shit. BLOODY MARY is about living halfway between reality and fantasy. BLACK JESUS was Justin Timberlake's favorite. Its about how putting on a new spirit is as easy as putting on fashion. Amen. BAD KIDS is inspired by stories many monsters shared with me on the road. I wanted a song to tribute their stories. ImABadKidToo FASHION OF HIS LOVE is about Alexander McQueen. HIGHWAY UNICORN is about me. Flying down the road, with nothing but a dream. [ודרך אגב- תשתמשו רק בכרום. אם בטעות אתם לוחצים על משהו במקלדת והדפדפן חוזר אחורה, הם שומרים את כל מה שכתבתם. מזל