../images/Emo220.gif../images/Emo240.gif מקפליי מדברים על האלבום החדש
הלהקה ישבה עם האתר Heatworld ושיתפה אותם בפרטים חדשים לגבי אלבומם השישי! טום אמר: “We’ve just started showing each other our new songs, and what we’ve each come up with. The last album was more of a collaboration of sounds as we were working with people like Taio [Cruz] and Dallas [Austin] – but this time it’s going to be different. We’ll know what the stand out sound will be by the end of the year.” דאגי הוסיף: “It’s going to be more polished stuff, (who by the way was getting all the ladies' attention in his Captain Jack Sparrow-esq headgear). “This time, we’re going to live with the songs for a while and get them sounding better and better. At the moment it’s sounding like quite chilled, acoustic stuff but we’ll see how each song develops.”
מי שזקוקה לתרגום שתגיד לי אני אתרגם בהודעה הבאה
הבנים הוסיפו שהם ממש התרגשו מקבלת הפרס עבור ההתקדמות הטכנולוגית עבור אתר הבית שלהם סופרסיטי, שהם גם עבדו קשה עבורו, וההכרה בכך ע"י Nordoff Robbins. טום חייך והוסיף: “The website was a real experiment, we funded it all ourselves and it’s amazing that we’ve been recognised for it, It’s amazing that it’s actually worked. It’s coming up to a year now since it started running and we know what needs improving.” דאגי סיכם: “I like the idea of fans getting involved with the band decisions too. By the time we release this next album – probably next year – there’ll be loads of ways to get them involved online.”
טום בראיון מאחורי הקלעים של פסטיבל Rock Chester: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJwKeHjhwYU
הבנים היו אתמול בפרמיירה של הסרט החדש והאחרון בסדרת סרטי הארי פוטר: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
אני אעלה תמונות נוספות בהודעות הבאות
הלהקה ישבה עם האתר Heatworld ושיתפה אותם בפרטים חדשים לגבי אלבומם השישי! טום אמר: “We’ve just started showing each other our new songs, and what we’ve each come up with. The last album was more of a collaboration of sounds as we were working with people like Taio [Cruz] and Dallas [Austin] – but this time it’s going to be different. We’ll know what the stand out sound will be by the end of the year.” דאגי הוסיף: “It’s going to be more polished stuff, (who by the way was getting all the ladies' attention in his Captain Jack Sparrow-esq headgear). “This time, we’re going to live with the songs for a while and get them sounding better and better. At the moment it’s sounding like quite chilled, acoustic stuff but we’ll see how each song develops.”