new hot interview

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יש ראיון חדש של מקפליי בשוק
הוא ראיון די שובבי וסוטה וגס, על כל העניינים הפרטיים שלהם ועל כל המעשים כולל מה שעשו ב-G.A.Y. אלה שאלות שנשאלו על ידי מעריצים וכאלה...חלק מהשאלות פה והתשובות כבר ראיתן, כי גם קראתי ואני זוכרת שזה היה פה מתישהו. אפילו השאלות ששיר שמה פה על ישראל שם!! הוא די ארוך....ואמ אמ אין לי כוח לתרגם אותו עכשיו
למי שיש...מוזמנת לתרגם
אבל אני לא חושבת שכדי....טוו גס XD הנה הראיון המלא: זה ממתישהו בנובמבר חח
Dennis the absolute menace: Have you/would you ever do anything homo? Even in a frathouse kind of way? Harry: When we’ve been pissed in our house with mates round, our girlfriends too, and someone like Dougie gets ridiculously drunk and we strip him and tea bag him. Tom: Dougie got really drunk once and we stripped him naked and drew permanent marker on his willy. Floy: How do you cope with all those groupies? Fuck ‘em or ignore ‘em? Dougie: Fucking ignore ‘em! Do you see what I did there? London Lady: Do any of you shave down below? Dougie: Sometimes Danny: I clip. A number two. But when I get down to the crack it just gets too messy. Harry: We’ve all got really hairy cracks. Dougie got in my bath once. He was just lying there shaving his pubes. Dougie’s very popular with the men but if they ever saw his bum they’d run a mile. Dougie: We’ve all got really disgusting bum holes. nosey parker: What’s in your pockets? Danny: Porn Harry: Some lube Tom: A phone and chewing gum Dougie: £1.50 and three guitar picks Harry: An Express Radio Cars card Danny: A receipt and a tenner. Justin: Have you ever had a big McFly style orgy together? Dougie: What, where we all bum each other? Yeah, twice. Betty Windsor: Who’s your favourite member of the royal family? Danny: The Queen Dougie: The Queen’s husband Danny: I fancy the Queen. your mum: What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever had to do?Apart from stripping at G-A-Y. Dougie: That wasn’t embarrassing Danny: Tranny was quite hard, in one of our videos. It was embarrassing when a certain person walked in, who one of us had a fling with. Jodie: Has there been any accidental lip touching when sharing microphones? Tom: I don’t know about accidental. Dougie: We touched tongues once Tom: You lick my face a lot on stage Danny: Remember when you licked my bumhole? Only joking. Ogie: Have u ever fucked or kissed another guy? Tom: Oh yeah!! What? Harry: We’ve gone all the way. Tom: Dougie and Danny have. Israel: Please come to Israel!! We really need you :[ Danny: Oh right. Harry: We’ll be there. kelly & jason: Do any of you have any pervy fantasies and if so, what are they? Danny: Leggings. Especially leopard skin. Harry’s got some leopard skin leggings. Harry: I wore them at his party. Anne Boleyn: Who’s your favourite wife of Henry VIII? If it’s me I’ll blow you. Danny: Julie Dougie: Anne Boleyn, did she survive? Harry: Who else was there? Danny: Catherine of Aragon! Harry: Henry VIII was harsh wasn’t he? Dougie: He was like the Snoop Dogg of his time. Ander: You must now be the highest grossing Scottish insect of all time. How does that feel? Harry: Well done Ander, because that’s the funniest play-on-words of McFly I’ve heard. Tom: It’s an intelligent pun. Normally it’s like… Harry: ‘McFlurry’. Danny: McBusted. Chewie: How hard, on a scale of 1-10, would you like me to hit you with this baseball bat, with 1 being bone-breaking and 10 being atomised? Harry: Why would we want to be hit by a baseball bat? Does this guy really hate us? Dougie: This is why we don’t get big-headed, because people ask us questions like this all the time Harry: Yeah, I’m going to go home and they’ll say, ‘Did you have a good day?’ and I’ll go, ‘Yeah it was alright, someone wrote in and said they were going to hit me over the head with a baseball bat’. No, I’m joking. As hard as you like. Dougie: Right on the bum cheek. Bubba: Who are you? Danny: Just go, ‘Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?… Harreh: Dear McFly, what is the combined length of your boy dicks? Harry: Wait a sec (takes a look)…mine’s about 30 inches Danny: Mine comes up to my belly button Harry: That’s a big fat lie Danny Danny: It isn’t I’ll take a picture of it tonight. Curious: I read a while back in Popbitch that one of you gave the other a blow job in the toilets at an award ceremony. Which one of you was it? Danny: There’s always stuff like that going around. There’s pictures of me and Tom kissing on the internet but they’re lookalikes. Tom: And there’s a picture of Dougie looking like he’s bumming me Dougie: Yeah but we’re laughing! עוד בהודעה הבאה

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Dollydippit: Can you get me Fern Britten’s telephone number? Danny: Yes, from 118 118. Just a sec…(Phones 118 118) 118 118: Hello 118 118, can I help you? Danny: Can I get the number for Fern Britten please? 118 118: I wish I did Danny: We’re doing an interview and I’ve been asked to get her number, so I thought 118 might have it 118 118: I’m afraid we haven’t got Fern Britten’s number. Is there anything else we can help you with? Danny: What do you think of McFly? 118 118: I think they’re ok. I can give you ITV’s number Danny: Ok, thank you. Bye. [
]אני מניחה ש 118 זה כמו 144 XDD Claire Thackray: Danny and Dougie, is it true you’ve both had sex and if it is, can I have a video of it? Dougie: Yeah we made a tape, it was like the Pamela Anderson thing. We filmed it on a yacht. I started off by rubbing oil into Danny. My hand slips down and I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m sorry!’. Danny: Yeah, it was awesome. Dougie: And we put fish bait round ourselves and jump into the sea while holding onto a rope while fish peck at us. Jay: What’s all your shoe sizes? Harry: I’ll have you know mine are the biggest Danny: Isn’t your shoe size the same as your head? Harry: Same size as your dick. Israel–Adi: Dear McFly, could you please come to Israel? If yes, when? If no, why? Harry: Yes, if we can get one more invite from an Israeli fan. We’ve had two so far. Nic: If you had to be run over by a car and killed, which car would you want it to be? Tom: Skoda. Harry: Robin Reliant. People would be like, ‘Oh, Harry died’. ‘Oh my God, that’s really sad. How did it happen? ‘He got run over by a Robin Reliant’. ‘Hahahahaha’. Tahmina: Have you ever woken up and thought a particular band member looks nice today and that you’d like to chat them up/kiss them? Harry: Funny that, the other day I said, ‘You’re looking quite fit today Tom!’. Tom: But not when we first wake up. Emma (from Ipswich): What’s the most impressive thing you can cook? Harry: Spaghetti bolognaise. Tom: Roast, but not crackling. Danny: Chicken satay stir-fry. Dougie: Pot Noodle. Shelly: Dougie, please can you tell us what it feels like to have sex with Danny? Danny, the same for you, only with Dougie. Dougie: It is good, he’s just not very intimate. He’s very rough. He just boshes it out. There’s no kissing afterwards Danny: Just wait, people aren’t going to read this the way you’re saying it. You’ve got to put ’sarcastically’. Vega: When are you going to do concerts in Spain? Danny: After we’ve been to Israel. krazy in luv: When are you guys coming to North America? Tom: After we’ve been to Israel and Spain. Charlie: Have you ever been asked out by a fan? Harry: I think we’ve all been proposed to a couple of times Danny: Someone asked me to rape Dougie. Alex: What is the gayest thing you have ever done with another man? Danny: Kissed him. Pinned him down on the bed. Harry, you’ve touched my balls. Harry: Have I? Tom: You tried to touch mine too. Harry: If we’re in the car we always get our balls out. Dougie: The old cock and ball. Harry: You get a bit out and they have to guess which it is. But that’s not homosexual, that’s funny. Danny: What was that picture we took? Tom: I’ve got so many pictures of his balls in my computer. We all went snorkelling in the Caribbean and I’ve got this one underwater shot of Danny’s balls. You could see all the hairs on it, it looked like a sea anenome.​
אם יש עוד חדשות על מקפליי....לשרשר לכאן

Sivan McFLY

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../images/Emo210.gifחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח קופים!!

זה מה שיש לי להגיד!!! קופים!!! ודני הקוף הראשי! LOLLLLL פשוט חבורת מופרעים!! וואי היו לי כלכך הרבה קטעים שפשוט קרעו אותייייי!! [חחח רוני את קיבלת את הכל במסן!!
] בייחוד האחרון... זה בכלל הרס אותי! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD רק אני מתה לשמוע איך דני אומר 'ישראל' במבטא שלו??

m i c k e y 15

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נכון שהם פשוט חבורת מופרעים חסרת תקנה../images/Emo6.gif

גמאני מתה לשמוע אותווווו
תודה ../images/Emo24.gif

אבל, האמת, שכבר העלו את הראיון הזה.. שמו פה רק את מה שהיה קשור לישראל ובקישור את הראיון עצמו. אבל, לא נורא

N e r d y

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קראתי רק כמה מהשאלות הראשונות כי אני חייבת לזוז אבל הייתי חייבת להגיב עליהן= XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD איזה שרוטים. חחחחחח טוב אני אמשיך בערב טנקס מיק
כל הזמן מביאה מלא עידכונים תודהתודהתודה

DoLi it is Me

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אבוי O.O

כתבה הזויה ומגעילה >< למרות שאנחנו במקום הראשון
למרות שהם בטח אמרו את זה בצחוק ><. אוי גאד אני מקווה שדאגי ודני לא הומואייםם XDD איכככ >< .


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We announced yesterday that Elliot Minor is supporting us on all our arena shows. Saving Aimee will also perform as a 2nd act at two arena shows - the NEC and Sheffield Arenas. Wembley was sold out but they have added some seats with side views of the stage - and also at Manchester Arena. The opening night is Belfast a week from tommorrow so we are in tour rehersals this week! Friday night you can see us around 12:10 at night on Children in Need. Thanks to everyone who has been getting our greatest hits album - its in stores everywhere in 2 formats - the main 14 song album (cover is a silver Mcfly logo) and also the 22 track version with us on the cover (with all the singles). See ya on the tour, Tom אומייגאד אני לא מאמינה שאני הולכת לראות את אליוט מינור


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את האמת בפעם הראשונה שקראתי את מה שהם אמרו על ישראל צחקתי.. אבל עכשיו התגובה של הארי ודני היו קצת מזלזלות.. חבל..

Charley XD

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לא ! בבקשה ... תרגום... ../images/Emo7.gif

אני גרועה באנגליתתתתתתתת אלה עם כן מישהי תקראי לי הכל ... מה שלא יקרה ... אני לא אבין ><" אוף בבקשה ? סגידה ? מישהי ?

loli kiss

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הם לא נורמלים ../images/Emo6.gif תודה !

אבל שקסיים
באמת עדיף לא לתרגם את זה P: חחחחחח וואי הארי הרג אותי בקטע שמישהו/י שאלו אותם כמה חזק הם היו רוצים מ-1 עד 10 שיכו אותם עם אלת בייסבול XD Harry: Why would we want to be hit by a baseball bat? Does this guy really hate us? Harry: Yeah, I’m going to go home and they’ll say, ‘Did you have a good day?’ and I’ll go, ‘Yeah it was alright, someone wrote in and said they were going to hit me over the head with a baseball bat’. No, I’m joking. As hard as you like.
התשובות של דאגי ודני גם קורעות XD כרגיל. ת'אמת לא פלא שהם ענו כאלה דברים .. מזה השאלות האלה?! השאלות עצמן לא שפויות או הגיוניות P-:

Fairy of Rock

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../images/Emo28.gifמישי לתרגם?

כןכן, זה ארוך... אבל אני ממש אשמח
פליז? כי אין לי כוח להתחיל שעות עכשיו לנסות לקרוא את זה [5יח' אומנם, אבל מב"ר