חדשות לינדזי(9.9.05)

../images/Emo26.gifחדשות לינדזי(9.9.05)../images/Emo36.gif

Teenage actress Linday Lohan rescued a girl from sleeping on the streets, because she couldn't return to her house from New Orleans, Louisiana. .Lohan 19, was dining at a restaurant when she saw the little girl Lindsay found out the girl came to New York for a one day trip and couldn't return home in Louisiana, because it was one of four US states which has suffered structural damage and loss of life at the hands of Hurricane Katrina

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שלינדזי הצילה כביכול ילדה קטנה שראתה בניו יורק שבגלל שהיא גרה בניו אורלינס והיא לא יכולה לחזור בגלל הסופה קטרינה. איזה מתוקה היא,כלומר אם זה נכון ולא שמועה.

Lohan 19, was dining at a restaurant when she saw the little girl. Lindsay found out the girl came to New York for a one day trip and couldn't return home in Louisiana, because it was one of four US states which has suffered structural damage and loss of life at the hands of Hurricane Katrina. So Lindsay decided to take the girl home, to look after her until the situation will be resolved. She says, "There was this girl the other night I was at dinner and she was from New Orleans. She came here (to New York) for a trip for the day. "Ironically, she couldn't go back and she is here. So I kind of took her under my wing. I said 'Do you want to come and stay with us for the rest of the night?' "It's just the scariest thought. I can't even imagine it."