../images/Emo26.gifHARRY'S LOW DOWN ON-Lindsay Lohan../images/Emo26.gif
מגזיןReveal UK פרסם כתבה עם הארי שבו הוא חושף כמה סודות חח.
בעיקר את הקשר שלו עם לינדזי לוהן- שכנראה לא נגמר כמו שחשבנו...או לא נגמר בכלל?..אה-אה
ואת עצם זה שהוא לא מתכוון להתחתן[לבינתיים?] עם החברה הנוכחית שלו...אייזי ג'והנסטון. מקרא:
Lindsay Lohan= Li-Lo =לינדזי לוהן
low down =מֵידָע סודי\אמיתי
settle down =השתקע
steady=בן-זוג קבוע.
הכותרת: According to Reveal UK magazine this week, interview with Harry's McFly saying he's low down for Li-Lo and no way to settle down for wedding bells soon with his steady violinist girlfriend Izzy Johnston. What do you think when Izzy's reading this?
הכתבה המלאה: The last time i met boyband pin-up Harry Judd, he was so hyper he could hardly stand still. Surrounded by his cheeky McFly bandmates,he couldn't wait to tell me how he was secretly gay with Danny, loved sleeping with fans, and suffered from chronic diarrhoea. So I didnt know what to expect from the prankster when I rocked upto London's swanky Soho House to meet him. But to my suprise the 22 year old has changed. 'It's only when the 4 of us are all together that we go completely mental' he reassures me with a cheeky grin, 'Were really good mates, so we love messing around and playing prank, even the nked shoots dont bother us! Sometimes we have joke fights -never a proper punch up. Once Tom threw a loo roll at Dougie and his nose started bleeding'. Harry soared to fame as the drummer in McFly when he was 18 years old, but he grabbed international headlines claiming to have had a fling with Just My Luck co-star Lindsay Lohan 21. THe Hollywood actress strongly denied the affair but Harry famously offered to take a lie-dectector test on Oprah Winfreys talk show in 2006 to prove he bedded the star. So are the two of you still in contact?: 'Yeah, Lindsey called me earlier....Not! I don't think shed be too amused if I looked her up in LA. Our lives are completly different for it to work-it was just a bit of fun'. Harry admits unlike Linds he wouldnt be caught deadat a star-studded Elton John bash, and the term celebrity gives him the creeps. instead youre more likly to find im in his local pub. He says :'Im the most un-showbiz person on the planet! I had a break from McFly over Christmas and I loved it, Im complety normal when I go home to see my family. I still have all my original friends'. One of his childhood friends suffered a serious brain injury at the age of 12 after a crash, so Harrys decided he will enter the London Marathon this year. He'll be running for the Teenage Cancer Trust and the Brain Injury Rehabillitation Trust and says: ' its uplifting to see how amazing my friend is. When i went to see him at hospital, i was always like mate if I was you I would be complaining non stop, It really puts things in perspective. Ive also met lots of teenage cancer patients while ive been in McFly and Ive been really inspired by their stories and what theyve been through. I want to use my position to raise money and help'. The drummer adds that hes's decided not to get a tattoo to mark the occasion, although hes proud ofhis body art. He has the words 'a tattoo' on his wrist and bare on his foot, meaning bare foot. Harry confirms that it's just another McFly Joke ' we were out filimg in LA three years ago and we dared each other to get matching stupid tattoos on our feet. Dougies got athletes, Tom got big, Danny got goodef and I got stuck with bare, I was cross athletes was my idea! Its a relief to know Harry hasn't lost his sense of humour. He says 'I got the giggles when I met the queen, I waslined up at the RoyalVariety Performance between dougie and Cliffe Richard. 'None of us knew what to say,though Cliffe told us what to do. I wanted to ask for her mobile number. I was crying with laughter by the time she got to us'. Harrys always been popular with the ladies - reportedly hes dating violinist Izzy Johnston since 2006 but he wont discuss it. However, his fans neednt worry yet. Asked if there would wedding bells soon he said 'are you serious? no way not a chance' I cant resit asking if McFly really sleep with their fans. He smirks 'occasionally yeah! No ive grown out of that now, you must have the wrong guy'.
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