Josh: Did Toby find a country? Donna: The Federated States of Micronesia. Josh: Is that a real country? Donna: Yes, it's located 2500 miles southwest of Hawaii where you've never taken me. Josh: When was I suppose to take you to Hawaii? Donna: Anytime. It's something bosses do. [הערת הדניאל - hint hint]
Josh: Hi. Donna: Hi. Josh: Who are you? Donna: I'm Donna Moss, who are you? Josh: I'm Josh Lyman. Donna: Ah. Josh: Yes. Donna: I'm your new assistant. Josh: Did I have an old assistant? Donna: Maybe not. Josh: Who are you? Donna: I'm Donna Moss, I came here to volunteer and the woman assigned me to you. Josh: Which woman? Donna: Becky. Josh: You mean Margaret? Donna: Yes. Josh: Who are you? Donna: I'm Donna Moss, I'll be working as your assistant. Josh: I'm going to talk to Margaret. [הערת הדניאל - איזה חמודים
כבר מההתחלה הם מוזרים כאלו]
Donna: My value here is that I have no value. Josh:
You have enormous value to me, you have no value to Eastern Europe. [הערת הדניאל: אם זה לא רמז, אני יורה בעצמי. מוּתוּ כולם.
Donna : We have colonized Puerto Rico and they will rise up against us. Josh : I think we can take'em. Donna : That's what we said about the British. Josh : We took the British. Donna : You know what I'm saying. Josh : Hardly ever.
Donna : She wants you to ask her out Josh. Josh : She really doesn't. Donna : You're missing the signs. Josh : I'm really not Donna : I know a thing or two about the ways of love. Josh : No you don't. Donna : You're missing the signs. Josh : I'm thinking of firing you. Donna : You fired me twice already tonight, I'm impervious.
Josh : Why do you ask me the question, when you're gonna have the conversation by yourself? Donna : You want me to hold the phone for a while? Josh : I can hold the phone... Take the phone.
Josh : Did you get the flowers? Donna : Yes, I did... They were very pretty. Josh : Do you know why I sent them to you? Donna : I know why you think you sent them to me. Josh : It's our anniversary! Donna : No, it's not. Josh : I'm the kind of guy who remembers these things! Donna : No, you're the kind of guy who sends a woman flowers to be mean. You're the only person I've met who can do that! Josh : I'm quite something.
Donna : I'm gonna give you a little gift right now, which you don't deserve. Josh : Donna, if you've got your old Catholic-school uniform on under there, don't get me wrong, I applaud the thought, but... Donna : Okay, what I need is for you to stop being like, you, for a second.
Donna : I was actually in a car accident... Anyway, they took me to the hospital and I called him and he came to get me and on the way he stopped and met some friends of his for a beer. Does this make you feel superior? Yes, you are better than my old boyfriend.
Josh : I'm just sayin' - if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer. Donna : If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights. Thanks for taking me back. Oh, and the flowers are beautiful.
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