פורומים חדשים בתפוז אנשים

../images/Emo41.gifפורומים חדשים בתפוז אנשים../images/Emo41.gif

לא רק חתלתולות ובובות. מדברים על הלהקה בפורום פוסיקאט דולז http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/forumpage.asp?id=1537
הגרסה הישראלית ללהיט האמריקאי אוטוטו כאן! מרזים ומתמכרים לפורום לרדת בגדול http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/forumpage.asp?id=1538
נערה צעירה נשטפת אל חופה של עיירה קטנה ומשנה ללא היכר את חיי תושביה. נסחפים לפורום פוינט פלזנט http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/forumpage.asp?id=1539 גלישה נעימה

Hieros Gamos

New member
dunno where to put it so it'll be

here-(still stuck on english) alright. a short while ago (dunno exactly when but i think around the time 2X16 aired, the cast of House- the actors, and the producers/creators/writers/whatever (4- actors not included) had a big interview in front of an audience. anyhow, they talk about some interesting things about the show itself, the idea behind it, the casting process and about the characters and well, they also talk some rubbish, they are all kinda...insane there. it was fairly funny and quite interesting though there is a mention of a few spoilers concerning episodes up until 2X12 or so... I enjoyed it but god knows i enjoy everything that has even the slightest connection to the show. if you'd like, the link is this one- http://www.sendspace.com/file/ibb2yu just download it. (it's a long one. about an hour and ten minutes so it'll take time)
ראיתי את זה ^^ ../images/Emo29.gif

זה היה כל כך משעשע ^_^ בריאן יצא כל כך הזוי... ידעתי על הסיפור עם האודישן של יו, אבל לא ידעתי על זה של ג'ניפר
. וכשיו סיפר שבריאן אכל סלט באודישן שלו...
וגם כל כך מעניין ^^ הם צריכים לעשות עוד ראיונות כאלה

Hieros Gamos

New member
really? cause I know they had a

fanfest about two months ago...I guess it's not the same thing. an Brian did come out pretty stupid. the think with JM was really funny...Yeah, this girl or this one, either of them is good... LOL when RSL commented that he really liked how every audition made Brian look even stupider I really laughed... and when Robert didn't notice that the question was directed to him... LOL