Aline In Chains
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[חלק תורגם מאנגלית לעברית.
]. שון הווארד קיני נולד ב 27 במאי 1966 בסיאטל. שון הינו מוזיקאי אמריקני המוכר בעיקר כמתופף של להקת הגראנג' "אליס אין צ'יינס". כשהיה בן 9, הוא תופף עבור הלהקה "The cross cats" , שסבו היה חבר בה. שון קיני הצטרף לאליס אין צ'יינס בתקופה שבה יצא עם אחותו של מייק סטאר[הבסיסט]. מייק הכיר בינו לבין ג'רי קנטרל, שהכיר בינו לבין ליין סטיילי. שון תיפף בכל אלבומיה של אליס אין צ'יינס, ואף באלבומו של ג'רי קנטרל "Boggy depot" עם נפילת הפופולריות של הגראנג', הוא חובר ללהקה שעשו מחווה לויל וילסון, שכללה את ג'וני קאש, קים טאיל מסאונדגארדן,וכריסט נובוסליק מנירוונה. ב2005, התאחד שוב שון עם אליס אין צ'יינס, לשם הופעה בקונצרט התרמה לנפגעי הצונאמי. ב2006 הלהקה התאחדה שוב לשם קיום סיבוב הופעות. ציטוטים של שון: -"Hate those guys. We hate each other. Sometimes we'll get -in our big Cadillacs and do drive-bys on each other's houses. We're like rival gangs." (Regarding Soundgarden) -"We've mastered the art of making pretty music that makes you want to die." -"There's nothing worse than talking about yourself to find out that you're not that interesting." -"The difference for me is I just don't sleep on friends'couches anymore." -Jerry: "luckily we were all pretty much 21 when we met. except for Layne. Layne couldn't even get into some of our gigs, man. he'd have to wait in the fucking parking lot sometimes." Sean: "wait for us to start playing and then they'd let him in." Jerry: "we'd all be in there drinking, getting shit-faced, and he'd be getting pissed. 'hey, can't get you in man.'" Interviewer: because he was underage. Jerry: "yeah. right. he could only be in there during the time he was working. so he'd come in, sing the gig, then go right back out in the freezing cold. that was fucked -We now have AIC cardboard cut-outs, so that we can play 3 shows at once. -Since our music is so depressing, everybody expects us to run around in black and whine about shit. But that's such a misconception. We just get together and fuck around. We're like the Monkees or something. -Jerry, Mike Layne, they're three other men. -You know whats the best thing aboout this new record, it''s like 12 all new songs. We didn't even use any of the old songs...we actually recorded 12 new ones. (About the Self-titled ablum) -"Pretty soon it's gonna be like me and the guy from the Sopranos singing in the shower, giving each other a back rub, you know?" (on Greatest Hits) "I went to the wake. I didn't get to the funeral but I went to the wake. Man, I was shit-faced. Grunge was dead, a lot of people crying."- "That sums me up in a nutshell . . . a dancing fool."- "Uh...I hit things with sticks"- -"No but I drink it regularly, which also makes me want to vomit." When asked if he'd ever consider a doing a solo project with Poison -"It makes it less painful while they fuck you in the ass." (When asked: "How does having a sense of humor help in the music industry?" -"Paul is dead and I am the walrus." -"It's just music to me. It's just rock music. I don't know why everybody has to label the music. That's for the guys who review the records and the critics so they can keep working and making money. They have to say something. They have to keep re-inventing something to keep a job. I found this new thing. It's not rock, it's . . . it's grunge. And after that, when grunge is boring, 'Everybody's talking about it, I'm going to invent, oh, power pop.' What the fuck? It's all rock. If you plug in your guitars, you're a rock band. That's what I think. Oh, you plug it in, you turn it up, OK. Whether you wear the right shirt, you're wearing the right '60s or '70s clothes, the right haircut, you're still a fuckin' rock band. You recycle, hey you're a rock band. You don't eat meat, you're still a rock band. All the PC shit, it's kinda the same thing. I recycle so I guess I'm not a metal guy. Am I supposed to recycle? This guy said I'm metal. So if I'm metal, I don't recycle, right? I throw beer cans out the window, right? I don't know. Somebody should tell us who we should be and what music we should play and how we should act and then we'll do it. But there's too many people telling us all different things. They should all get together for once and tell us if we're metal or we're grunge." -"If we could get away with just putting out the same songs, just remixing them and putting out dance versions, we would." -There's nothing worse than talking about yourself to find out that you're not that interesting." -"MTV screwed us, they wouldn't play [Rooster video] because they said it affected a lot of people. They'll show, like, guys smokin' crack and shootin' each other with machine guns, but they won't play a Vietnam video or anything. They played it a few times, but they said people were disturbed." -"Why would you be like [heavy, serious and uptight] all the time? We would be like Danzig: just angry and punching kids in the face all the time." -"What the fuck is 'grunge'?" -"We got famous off singing about a chicken." -"The difference for me is I just don't sleep on friend's couches anymore." (Sean on being a rock star) ציוד: תופים: : Yamaha, DW מקלותSabian, Remo Heads, Vic Firth Sticks, Vater Sticks, El Sabor series cymbals :