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לאחר שהם נעלמו לי לכמה זמן מצאתי אותם מחדש
Monday, May 1 Ethan and Theresa receive an alarming phone call. A suspicious Sheridan checks in on Alistair. The monk sends Whitney on a trip into virtual reality. Tuesday, May 2 Luis chases the monk after noting that he seems familiar... Gwen is forced to watch from the sidelines as Ethan and Theresa bond. Fox, Miguel and Kay meet the mermaid. Wednesday, May 3 Chad hears Whitney’s screams from the catacombs. Theresa and Ethan sleep together. A jealous and suspicious Kay grills Siren. Thursday, May 4 Luis uncovers surprising information about Alistair. Paloma, Simone and Jessica encounter danger in Rome. Lena pulls a gun on Noah. Friday, May 5 Something in the shadows of the catacombs stalks Whitney. Paloma, Simone and Jessica get a lead on the mystery symbol. Siren comes on strong with Miguel... can he resist? Tuesday, May 9 Luis and Chad’s lives are at risk when they get caught in a cave-in. Friday, May 12 Two faces from the past show up in Rome.
לאחר שהם נעלמו לי לכמה זמן מצאתי אותם מחדש