תשובה ועל הפרק...
Title - this title appears to be a play on 2 different Goldbergs. The first Goldberg was a brilliant harpsichordist in the 1700's who played special compositions written by J.S. Bach. These compositions, although written by Bach, were called "The Goldberg Variations" ("The Goldberg Variations"). The other Goldberg is Rueben (Rube) Lucius Goldberg (1888-1970), a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, sculptor, and author. A trained engineer and accomplished artist, Rube Goldberg's "inventions" were known for making simple tasks amazingly complex by utilizing dozens of arms, wheels, gears, handles, live animals, etc to accomplish something as simple as squeezing orange juice or closing a window (anyone remember the game "Mousetrap"?). His name, Rube Goldberg, has become associated with any convoluted solution to perform a simple task (to see what I mean, check out the "Gallery" page at The Rube Goldberg Site). The X-Files connection? This episode's description involves Mulder & Scully being "caught up in an elaborate real-life Rube Goldberg device" involving luck, coincidence, and chance.
http://mywebpages.comcast.net/injoke/xftitles.html לדעתי הפרק היה ממש חמוד.. סקאלי אפילו חייכה!! ועוד יותר אפילו- כמה פעמים!!