The tour is called “Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Carnival Ride,” which doesn’t sound promising. Somehow, the organizers have turned two infelicitous album titles — Keith Urban’s “Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing” and Carrie Underwood’s “Carnival Ride” — into one singularly unpleasant phrase, which is odd, especially when they could have called this tour “Keith & Carrie! Live! Seriously!” What else do you need to know? The two singers behind some of the most infectious songs on country radio arrived at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday night. In their different ways, each put on a wholly entertaining show, which isn’t always the same thing as a wholly successful show. But then, a carnival ride is supposed to have some bumps, no? Which brings us, a bit reluctantly perhaps, to Ms. Underwood, the winning (and winsome) “American Idol” contestant turned country-music blockbuster. Her voice is big but warm; even when she’s belting out a power ballad there’s something friendly in her delivery. Somehow she can sing inspirational songs — like “So Small,” about how “love is all that matters,” or “Jesus, Take the Wheel” — without seeming heavy-handed. But there was something puzzling about Ms. Underwood’s jumbled-up opening set. Dressed in black, snarling through “Flat on the Floor” and “Wasted,” she seemed to be trying too hard. You could hear the strain in her between-songs banter. After singing “Get Out of This Town,” she added, “Aw, but we don’t want to get out of here just yet!” There were some great performances, including a lung-busting version of “Just a Dream,” a military widow’s lament, and a brave, melancholy arrangement of “Jesus, Take the Wheel.” But over all the set seemed a bit confused, and confusing. (Microphone feedback didn’t help, and neither did odd staging choices, like the sheet that rose ominously behind her during “So Small.”) She may yet prove that moodiness suits her, but she hasn’t yet. Mr. Urban’s assured headlining performance looked even better compared to Ms. Underwood’s uneven one. But in another sense it can’t be easy to tour with one of America’s favorite young singers. Many of the people in Madison Square Garden were Carrie Underwood fans, and they proved it by drifting out during Mr. Urban’s set; by the end of the concert there were patches of empty seats throughout the arena. “I want to thank every single person who’s still here,” he said, before a singalong version of “Everybody.” He added, “I won’t make it so long next time,” and for a second it seemed he was issuing an unnecessary apology for playing so many songs. Then he clarified: “We’ll be back real soon.”
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