מה פתאום נזכרת במשחק הזה דווקא?
אני שקלתי לקנות אותו בזמנו... והתרשמתי מהאומץ של המפתחים, שלא להכנע לpalmgear ולנסות להצליח למכור בלעדיהם... אני מקווה שהולך להם טוב עם המשחק. מתוך השאלות הנפוצות של האתר שלהם: Q. Why don't you sell EDGE at PalmGear or Handango or some other ESD site? A. Because those sites are not developer-friendly, nor are they particularly customer-friendly. Further, they currently take as much as 50% of the potential earnings for themselves. I have invested almost two years of my time and effort on developing this game, and do not feel it is right to give away half of that effort for a generally bad experience and very few valid or good reasons. I could go on and on about this, but I won't. I'll summarize: #1) The sites do not provide quality "support" to you. They know very little if anything about the products they sell, and can only pass any questions or problems you have to the developer and wait for a response. This "middle-man" process takes a lot of time going back-and-forth (if it happens at all), and usually only irritates the customer. Not allowing direct contact with the developer (or even a link to the developer's FAQ or website) is short-sighted and wrong. #2) These sites are greedy. With their traffic, they should be able to support themselves -- if not earn a tremendous profit -- on their advertising income alone. Instead, they have consistently raised their cut year after year, forcing either the consumers' prices up, or the developers out of business. There are about four more good reasons I could mention, but those two alone are reason enough. If you'd like to read more, consider visiting (and supporting) www.esd-union.com. More importantly, I encourage you to Google your developers' own websites, and if possible, to purchase directly from them.