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../images/Emo41.gif../images/Emo58.gif עונה 4 פרק 10 (פרטים כלליים)
שם הפרק: Chair Model תאריך שידור: April 17th, 2008 תקציר הפרק: Michael gets fascinated by a chair model in a catalog, which causes confusing feelings to surface. Kevin and Andy use this distraction to their advantage, teaming up to gain parking spaces back for Dunder Mifflin - leading to a showdown with the other tenants of the business park נכתב ע"י: B.J. Novak (ריאן
) Written by B.J. Novak במאי: Jeffrey Blitz
שם הפרק: Chair Model תאריך שידור: April 17th, 2008 תקציר הפרק: Michael gets fascinated by a chair model in a catalog, which causes confusing feelings to surface. Kevin and Andy use this distraction to their advantage, teaming up to gain parking spaces back for Dunder Mifflin - leading to a showdown with the other tenants of the business park נכתב ע"י: B.J. Novak (ריאן