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- את כל הביקורות על הפרק יש לשרשר לכאן ולא לשכוח לסמן ספוילר בכותרת.

Sam and Dean discover that a group of ghosts are murdering the crew of a horror movie.
סאם ודין מגלים שקבוצה של רוחות רוצחת את הצוות של סרט אימה. - פרומו לפרק הנוכחי - פרומו לפרק הבא (Folsom Prison Blues)

Dean: Sam, check it out, it's Matt Damon. Sam: Yeah, pretty sure that's not Matt Damon. Dean: No, it is. Sam: Well Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping. Brad: Who says horror has to be dark? It’s kind of depressing, don’t you think? Tara: Doesn’t that sound silly? Why would a ghost be afraid of salt? (Trailer for "Hell Hazers II: The Reckoning") Announcer: They never forgive. They never forget. And this summer they're coming back again to settle the score... AGAIN! Dean: This map is totally worth the $5 bucks. Dean: Hey, we gotta go check out Johnny Ramone's grave when we're done here. Sam: You want to dig him up too? Dean: Bite your tongue, heathen! Mark: So there is an afterlife? Dean: Yeah. And mostly it's a pain in the ass. Walter: You two can leave, but Mark's gotta stay. Sam: Sorry, we can't do that. Dean: It's not cause we like him or anything, it's just principle. (Sam and Dean stop the fan) Mark: You are one hell of a P.A.! Dean
smugly) I know! Sam: I wouldn't have done that if I were you. Walter: Oh yeah? Sam: Yeah. Walter: And why not? Sam: Cause you just freed them. We can't stop them now. Walter, you brought them back. Forced them to murder. They're not going to be very happy with you. Sam: You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie because they think it sucks. 'Cause, I mean, it kind of does. Sam: After seventy-five years, she suddenly goes homicidal. I mean, why now? Dean: I don't know. Maybe she's mad they're making a scary flick. Sam: Come on. Is it really that scary? Dean: What's a PA? Sam: It's kinda like a slave. Sam: Does this look like swimming-pool weather to you Dean? It's practically Canadian!

in-joke: Near the beginning when Brad is complaining about why the movie is so dark and that it should be lighter is referencing how dark fans say many of the episodes of Supernatural are, especially the pilot. In many places it is so dark it is difficult to see what is going on. In-Joke: in the beginning of the show when Tara has problems with screaming at the tennis ball, the director,"McG", tells her that it is for the CG registration and that when Ivan and the effects guys get done with it, it will be terrifying. Ivan Hayden is the Visual Effects Supervisor for 13 episodes of Supernatural, including the Season 2 finale. And interviews with Jensen and Jared have included stories of how they have had to deal with acting to a tennis ball or painted X on the floor and then later seeing what the CG crew has managed to cook up for the scene. There is no Then and Now like in previous episodes. In-joke: Before Dean on Supernatural, Jensen Ackles played Jason Teague on Smallville, which is a series on Superman's teen years. Adult Superman was later seen in the series, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The Hell Hazer II ad used scenes from "Scarecrow" and "Route 666." In-joke: Regan Burns who played the films director is called "McG." Referencing executive producer Joseph "McG" McGinty Nichol. In-joke: Sam mentions that the Los Angeles weather is like Canadian weather. They are actually filming in Canada.

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