new & xiting news update

nerod 72

New member
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Hello to all of dana fans around the world... i've got really xiting nes for you... you've been waiting for this news for 5 years now...
i'm officialy glad to say: Dana's new album will be iut around august 15th and it will be called "hakol ze letova", like the first single
dana's record company hed arzi, sent today an official message to the media saying: "we are happy to tell you dana's new album will come out by the middle of August due to the fenomenal success of love boy we decided to release it earlier than planned love boy became such a big hit we can't wait until october"..... all the media is full of this news including "musicaneto" the #1 music site in israel.... also in this is really good nes we all have been waiting to hear... and also on this update:
dana has 2 shows this weekend - one in tlv in front of high school graduates - another in beer sheeva "forum" club
love boy in the charts: massive success! #1- eadio tel aviv , radio click fm #2- eadio haifa , radio 91fm #3- radio 90fm , radio jerusalem , radio 96fm #4- glgltz (most important chart #8- reshet gimmel
love boy this weeks holdn on to the #1 spot 3 weeks in a row!!! playing more than 900 times on the radio in the last month! only from 10 days of july it airplayed 520 times!! making it the most airplayed song in israel for june and july 2007 it's unbelieveble the success of dana these days in israel... every where you go you hear about her.... she's back and now for good! so what did we have?
dana's upcoming akbum will be out in a month time around mid august for sure it will be called "hakol ze letova"
more shows for dana around the country
love boy is conquering the charts making it dana's most successful hit since diva!!!! the most successful in 10 years!
love boy is the number 1 airplay song in israel for 3 weeks now
that's it, basiclly enjoy....


New member

Toda raba motek Oren!!!!! finallyy the offficial date of cd!!!!:) cool..... THANXXX SO MUCH ur friend CINQUE


New member
wow wow wow

Thank you very much for the news. I am happy for Dana and for the success of Love Boy. This is realy amazing and unbelievable. I wish Dana make more singles like Love Boy and Hakol Ze Letova Toda raba Dana ve Oren Kiss
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