The hosting of OX

../images/Emo41.gifThe hosting of OX../images/Emo41.gif

The officel connecting to our loveli OX ! .please put here your question to OX. the question have to be in clear english OX user called Mr OX. OX will arrive to our forum in 6/12/06. I wish it will be an fun hosting to us , and to OX.
question's for OX

Hello OX! i'm very happy to meet u! here is my question's for you : 1. Why Mr. Lordi Call You OX? 2. The Fans Love You? When You Feel About Them? 3. Whet Is Your Favorite Lordi Song Ever? 4. Whet Is Your Favorite Lordi Album? 5. Whet Do You Like To Eat? 6. The Band Talking About Come To Israel? 7. Whet Will Be The Next Single From The Album? Matan.


New member
סליחה שאני אומרת לך את זה

אבל יש לך טעות כמעט בכל שאלה (מבחינת אנגלית נכונה)
Q's 4 OX

1) Who is your favorite bass player in the rock/metal scene around the world in these days? 2) You may had a role model when you just started playing & slamming your instrument, if you had one - who was that role model? 3) Which band got your best impression after having a show with them? 4) Which bands are your ears' favorites? Keep on rockin hard. Yoni Shitrit.​


New member
Questions for OX

1) How did you met the band and why did you decided to join? 2) Was your current character as OX your first choice or did you imagined a different monster at the beginning? 3) What bands and music to you like? 4) Is the band planning to come to Israel anytime soon? Thanks and keep on rockin'! YxN


New member
Some questions

1. What is your most important influence ? 2. You like other finnish bands ? 3. Did Mr. Lordi also designed your mask ? 4. Did you start working on a new album ? 5. How did you come up with the name LORDI for the band ?


New member

Since it wasn't my idea to bring OX to the forum, nor my plan (though it could've been great to have him answering our questions), I wonder too why he hadn't taken our questions. I guess Matan could tell us, ain't it?

who am i1

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