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פרטי הפרק בעברית:
שם הפרק: מוות במים
תקציר הפרק:
סם ודין חוקרים סדרה של טביעות הנרשמות כהתאבדויות. הם מגלים שהרוח הינה ילד קטן ועצבני עם היכולת לטייל דרך המים אשר נוקם במספר תושבי העיר בגלל סוד אפל שנקבר מזמן. דין מפתח קשר עם ילד צעיר אשר בבעלותו כוח ראיית העתיד.
פרטי הפרק באנגלית:
שם הפרק: Dead In The Water
תקציר הפרק:
Sam and Dean investigate a series of mysterious drownings written off as suicides. They discover the spirit is an angry little boy with the power to travel through water who is taking revenge on certain town inhabitants for a dark secret buried long ago. Dean forms a bond with a young boy who seems to have the power of premonition.
What A Way To Go - Black Toast Round And Round - Ratt Too Daze Gone - Billy Squier Movin' On - Bad Company
שחקנים אורחים:
Amber Borycki
Sophie Carlton Amy Acker
Andrea Barr Keira Kabatow
Waitress Bruce Dawson
Bill Carlton Nico McEown
Lucas Barr Daniel Hugh Kelly
Sheriff Jake Devins
The opening scene in this episode looks exactly like the one in the movie Jaws.
Andrea: Tell your friend the whole Jerry Maguire thing isn’t going to work on me. Referencing the movie Jerry Maquire, and the title character trying to befriend a woman’s son to get close to her.
Dean: I'm Agent Ford, this is Agent Hamill. Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill played the two male leads in Star Wars chapters IV, V, and VI movies.
The scene where the son is drowning in the sink, the plug attached to a chain is in the water. The cameras switch back and forth here and you can clearly see the chain and plug change positions from in the water to out.
In the first scene we see Dean in, he is circling the girl's picture in the newspaper. When he shows the paper to Sam, the circle is different. He originally circled her name as well, but it wasn't circled on the paper Sam had.
When Dean and Sam are driving after Dean had received the first picture from Lucas, you can see a reflection of Sam's face in the passenger's side window. But the funny thing is you should be seeing its right side, and not the front of his face.
When Andrea gets to her bath the level of water rises, which is quite normal (at least according to me), but as soon as the "green water" pours into the bath, you can see that the level of water has decreased.
When Lucas takes the picture drawn by Dean he doesn't twist it, so he theoretically is looking at when it's turned 90 degrees clockwise.
Dean: You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while. {points to an attractive waitress) That’s fun. Dean: All right if you're goin' to be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it back to me one more time. Lucas: Zeppelin Rules! Dean: That's right, up high. Sam: (referring to Lucus' picture) See this church? I bet there is less than a thousand of those around here. Dean: (sarcastically) Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart. Sheriff Devins: Or we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance. Or we can chalk this all up to a bad day, you get into your car, you put this town in your rearview mirror, and you don't ever darken my doorstep again. Sam: Door #2 sounds good. Sheriff Devins: That's the one I'd pick. Dean: (to Sam) Oh god, we’re not going to have to hug or anything, are we?
המידע לקוח מאתר TV http://www.tv.com/supernatural/dead-in-the-water/episode/451988/summary.html