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../images/Emo44.gifהפרק היום ביס 3.01 שבעת המופלאים../images/Emo190.gif
פרטי הפרק בעברית:
שם הפרק: שבעת המופלאים
תקציר הפרק: בפרק הפותח את העונה, דין וסאם מחזקים את עצמם לאפשרות של מלחמה אפוקליפטית, ומבינים שמוטלת עליהם משימה ענקית - לצוד את מאות השדים שברחו משער השטן. בובי מספר לאחים על משהו שהוא איתר בנברסקה - מה שמתברר להיות שבעה שדים שהם המימוש של שבעת החטים הקטלנים.
פרטי הפרק באנגלית:
שם הפרק: The Magnificent Seven
תקציר הפרק: Bracing themselves for the possibility of an apocalyptic war, Sam and Dean realize they have an enormous task of hunting down the hundreds of demons that escaped from the Devil's Gate. Bobby tells the brothers about a sighting in Nebraska that turns out to be seven demons that are the actual manifestations of the Seven Deadly Sins.
פרטים כלליים על הפרק:
מספר הפרק: פרק 45 בסדרה כולה, פרק 1 בעונה השלישית (3.01) פירוש שם הפרק: The episode title shares its name with the 1960 film The Magnificent Seven directed by John Sturges. The film starred Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen as two of seven gunfighters hired to defend a peasant village from bandits.
שחקנים אורחים:
Josh Daugherty
Envy / Walter Rosen Caroline Chikezie
Tamara Gardiner Millar
Wrath Tiara Sorensen
Greed Allison Warnyca
Guest Star Monique Ganderton
Guest Star Ben Cotton
Pride C. Ernst Harth
Sloth Katya Virshilas
Lust Michael Rogers
שירים בפרק:
Bachman-Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet AC/DC - Hell's Bells
פשלות ואזכורים:
Dean: Candygram!
Referencing the Saturday Night Live skit featuring Chevy Chase as the Land Shark. The Land Shark snuck up on unsuspecting victims by knocking on the door and getting them to open up with unlikely ruses. Envy: My name is Legion, for we are many.
This is a reference to Mark 5:9 in the Christian Bible. It is the reply given to Christ by a demon-possessed man after Christ questioned him about his identity. Bobby: Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Referencing the film Animal House. In the film, the dean tells this to Bluto, played by John Belushi.
Pride: Come on. You really think something like that is gonna fool someone like me? I mean me. Sam: Let me guess. You're Pride. Dean: I suppose you are Lust. Lust: Baby, I'm whatever you want me to be. Dean: Yeah, hell right. Just stay back. Lust: Or what? Dean: Good point. Bobby: You boys find anything around here? Sam: No, nothing. Dean: Well, maybe something. (points to video camera) See, I'm working. Bobby: Do you have any idea who we're up against? Dean: No, who? Bobby: The Seven Deadly Sins, live and in the flesh. Dean: (laughs.) "What's in the box?" ... Brad Pitt, Seven, no? (shuts up) Dean: All I see is the light at the end of the tunnel. Sam: That's hellfire, Dean. Sam: Who the hell are you? Ruby: I’m the girl that just saved your ass. Sam: You’re unbelievable. Dean: Very true. Bobby: Where is your brother? Sam: Polling the electorate. Bobby: What? Sam: Never mind. Sam: I've been bending over backwards trying to be nice to you, and I don't care anymore. Dean: Well, that didn't last long. Sam: It's suicide, Dean! Dean: So what? I'm dead already! Sam: Dean, what're you doing? Dean: Comforting the bereaved. What're you doing? Sam: Workin'. Dead body, possible demon attack, that kinda stuff. Dean: (fake coughing) Sam, I'm sorry. It's just, I don't have much time left. And, uh... (more coughing) ...gotta make every second count. Bobby: So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we? Dean: Well, sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweatin' the cholesterol. Sam: Dean, let me see your knife. Dean: What for? Sam: So I can gouge my eyes out. (Dean laughs) Dean: It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam. Sam: That's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean.