עונה 3


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מי זה פרדי קרוגר../images/Emo35.gif

זה לא ההוא מסדרות האימה


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הקוצור פרדי .. מקובל עלייך? בעצם, כשחושבים על זה.. גם אם זה לא מקובל עלייך זה השם שלך


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את האמת שאף פעם לא ראיתי את

הסרטים שלו. אני פשוט יודע שהוא מופיע בסרטי אימה. מה עם פרדי פרינס ג'וניור
לעעעע- נקרא לך פשוט פרדי ../images/Emo3.gif

לא צריך שם משפחה וכאלה... ואתה יכול לבחור את ההשראה לשם...

אני בטח צריכה לכתוב, טחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח

אין וידאו יש רק טקסט,מצאתי את הספוילרים באתר הזה: www.theoconline.com
301 ../images/Emo58.gif../images/Emo18.gifספוילרים עצבנים

אני מזהירה מראש- מי שלא אוהב ספוילרים- לא לקרוא !!!!! ספוילרים עצבניים ביותר !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sides for the season three premiere. Not sure what order they go in so I guessed. As always there's the chance these are foilers so take it with some salt just in case. Enjoy! * INT. HOSPITAL - EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT Four EMTs wheel a stretcher in... The room pulses a bleak halogen blue... The trauma team runs to meet them... EMT #1: Gun shot wound. Exited left clavicle. Punctured an artery. TRAUMA DOCTOR: And he's alive? EMT #1: Not for long... On the stretcher, we see, gasping with little breath left -- Trey. His skin is almost translucent. Blood all over his face. Eyes shut... And as Trey is wheeled off we see -- Ryan, Marissa, Summer and Seth try to follow in the background. Ryan is banged up... face cut and bloodied... Marissa is still in shock... As they try to push past they're intercepted by uniformed police officers... scary... intimidating... COP #1: We still have some more questions for you. RYAN: I just gotta see if he's gonna be okay. MARISSA: (still shocked) He's not gonna die, right? Seth and Summer share a look -- their friends melting down. The doctor runs past -- RYAN: Excuse me. That's my brother. Is he gonna be okay? TRAUMA DOCTOR: He'd be better if someone hadn't shot him. Ryan starts moving, following the doctor -- RYAN: Wait -- please -- TRAUMA DOCTOR: He's lost a lot of blood so -- (turns, sees Ryan) Jesus. What the hell happened to you? Ryan is a little wobbly - shakes off the doctor -- RYAN: Nothing. I'm fine -- TRAUMA DOCTOR: Can someone look at this kid?! Ryan's vision is blurring, the world is swirling around him. COP #1: You can look at him. Just as soon as we're done talking to him -- MARISSA: Ryan? Ryan turns, sees Marissa getting dragged off by another cop. COP #2: Did you discharge this weapon, miss? MARISSA: Yes. I told you -- RYAN: Don't answer him! Don't say anything! Ryan tries to make his way towards Marissa, but the floor is moving on him. He staggers -- Seth grabs him -- SETH: Woah. You okay? Seth goes blurry... his vision warped and echoing -- SETH: (O.S.) Ry? You alright? As Ryan re-focuses he sees Sandy entering. Panicked. * EXT. COOPER-NICHOL MANSION -- DAY Julie is offering lemonade to D.D.A. Caldwell, as well as their own high priced attorney, Andrew Esbenshade, late 30s, and Jimmy... JULIE: Now, Mr. Caldwell would you like some more lemonade? Mr. Esbenshade? (off their looks) Come on, it's okay for a Prosecutor and a Defense Attorney to have lemonade together. We're all human beings. JIMMY: (under his breath) Not so sure about these guys. Julie swats Jimmy, as Marissa and Summer come out from the house. Changed. The attorneys rise -- D.D.A. CALDWELL: Ms. Cooper? I'm the Deputy District Attorney, Chris Caldwell. I'll be conducting this deposition. MARISSA: (nervous) Hi. Where do you want us to sit? D.D.A. CALDWELL: Actually, Ms. Roberts can't be present for your deposition. We wouldn't want you influencing her testimony. MARISSA: She knows what you know -- which is the truth -- which is what I've already told you people. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Ms. Roberts, if you could please wait inside? JULIE: We have HBO on demand, Summer. Every season of Sex and the City. Knock yourself out... SUMMER: You'll be okay, Marissa. I'll be right inside. MARISSA: I've already told everybody everything. I don't want to have to go through this again. Talk about all of it. In front of strangers. ESBENSHADE: (leans in) Marissa, I need to remind you this deposition is binding, and your testimony in court can not waiver from what is said here -- MARISSA: I've already told the truth. What is the problem? D.D.A. CALDWELL: The problem, Ms. Cooper, is we don't believe you. On Marissa and Summer -- as it lands on them. They share a look. So do Jimmy and Julie -- Julie silencing Jimmy. As the tape recorder is put on the table. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Now, Ms. Roberts, please wait inside. And Ms. Cooper, I need to swear you in -- Jimmy ushers Summer to the door. A last scared look between she and Marissa -- as the door closes... On Marissa -- alone, scared, and doesn't want to dredge up the awful past again... JULIE: It's going to be okay, Marissa. As Julie takes Marissa's hand... * INT. NEWPORT GROUP - CALEB'S OFFICE - DAY Julie and Jimmy sit with an accountant, Earl Wilshire (40s). A bookish man with a mean streak. Papers everywhere. JULIE: What do you mean it's going to be months? Caleb wrote a will, just read it already. EARL WILSHIRE: It's much more difficult than that, Mrs. Cooper-Nichol. There's a lot of different accounts, off shore accounts, that we haven't yet found. JULIE: Well, take you sweet time, Earl. But meanwhile, look around? The Newport Group is empty. The CEO is dead, the CFO is in rehab. EARL WILSHIRE: I understand your plight -- JULIE: Do you understand we are paying a very high-priced Defense Attorney to protect our daughter, and he is billing us all the time. Right now, the meter's running. EARL WILSHIRE: I wish I could help. JULIE: (new tactic) I am a grieving widow. EARL WILSHIRE: (looks at Jimmy, back to Julie) Clearly. JULIE: You've seen the will, haven't you? Why don't you just tell us what's in it. It'll be our little secret. EARL WILSHIRE: I can't do that. JIMMY: Julie, this is getting pathetic -- (to the accountant) Earl, thank you for your time. Anything you could do to expedite the process. EARL WILSHIRE: Maybe I can get it done in a couple of weeks -- Jimmy's cell phone rings. He checks it. JIMMY: It's our attorney. Jimmy answers, has a conversation in the background, as Julie continues at Earl -- JULIE: Let's play hot/cold. Two million? Seven million? I have at least three million in my pre-nup coming. (off Earl) You blinked? Does one blink mean yes? EARL WILSHIRE: I didn't blink. JIMMY: (hangs up) Julie... The hospital called -- JULIE: Tug on your ear if it's more than fifteen million. (she stops cold, turns) What? What did they say? JIMMY: They said... Trey's awake. Off Julie -- stunned... silent... what does this mean? ***
זה יותר מידי ארוך../images/Emo3.gif

ואני ממש מתעצלת... אני יכולה לכתוב עבורך תקציר (אבל ממש בקצרה) של הדברים העקריים.


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בבקשה 3 בלילה אין לי כוח לקרוא

אנגליתתתתתתתתתת וגם בבוקר לא יהיה לי


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בבקשהה.. =\

גם אני רוצה תרגום.. אולי לפחות של הדברים העיקריים כמו שאמרת..


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אני יקרא עכשיו..באמת נראה לכם שאני

יקרא אנגלית ב 3 לפנות בוקר?