עונה 3

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אני מתחילה עם מה שפירסמתי שבוע שעבר: קודם כל שם הפרק
The Aftermath 3 סצנות באנגלית (לא בהכרח לפי הסדר): אני מזהירה מראש- מי שלא אוהב ספוילרים- לא לקרוא !!!!! ספוילרים עצבניים ביותר !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sides for the season three premiere. Not sure what order they go in so I guessed. As always there's the chance these are foilers so take it with some salt just in case. Enjoy! * INT. HOSPITAL - EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT Four EMTs wheel a stretcher in... The room pulses a bleak halogen blue... The trauma team runs to meet them... EMT #1: Gun shot wound. Exited left clavicle. Punctured an artery. TRAUMA DOCTOR: And he's alive? EMT #1: Not for long... On the stretcher, we see, gasping with little breath left -- Trey. His skin is almost translucent. Blood all over his face. Eyes shut... And as Trey is wheeled off we see -- Ryan, Marissa, Summer and Seth try to follow in the background. Ryan is banged up... face cut and bloodied... Marissa is still in shock... As they try to push past they're intercepted by uniformed police officers... scary... intimidating... COP #1: We still have some more questions for you. RYAN: I just gotta see if he's gonna be okay. MARISSA: (still shocked) He's not gonna die, right? Seth and Summer share a look -- their friends melting down. The doctor runs past -- RYAN: Excuse me. That's my brother. Is he gonna be okay? TRAUMA DOCTOR: He'd be better if someone hadn't shot him. Ryan starts moving, following the doctor -- RYAN: Wait -- please -- TRAUMA DOCTOR: He's lost a lot of blood so -- (turns, sees Ryan) Jesus. What the hell happened to you? Ryan is a little wobbly - shakes off the doctor -- RYAN: Nothing. I'm fine -- TRAUMA DOCTOR: Can someone look at this kid?! Ryan's vision is blurring, the world is swirling around him. COP #1: You can look at him. Just as soon as we're done talking to him -- MARISSA: Ryan? Ryan turns, sees Marissa getting dragged off by another cop. COP #2: Did you discharge this weapon, miss? MARISSA: Yes. I told you -- RYAN: Don't answer him! Don't say anything! Ryan tries to make his way towards Marissa, but the floor is moving on him. He staggers -- Seth grabs him -- SETH: Woah. You okay? Seth goes blurry... his vision warped and echoing -- SETH: (O.S.) Ry? You alright? As Ryan re-focuses he sees Sandy entering. Panicked. * EXT. COOPER-NICHOL MANSION -- DAY Julie is offering lemonade to D.D.A. Caldwell, as well as their own high priced attorney, Andrew Esbenshade, late 30s, and Jimmy... JULIE: Now, Mr. Caldwell would you like some more lemonade? Mr. Esbenshade? (off their looks) Come on, it's okay for a Prosecutor and a Defense Attorney to have lemonade together. We're all human beings. JIMMY: (under his breath) Not so sure about these guys. Julie swats Jimmy, as Marissa and Summer come out from the house. Changed. The attorneys rise -- D.D.A. CALDWELL: Ms. Cooper? I'm the Deputy District Attorney, Chris Caldwell. I'll be conducting this deposition. MARISSA: (nervous) Hi. Where do you want us to sit? D.D.A. CALDWELL: Actually, Ms. Roberts can't be present for your deposition. We wouldn't want you influencing her testimony. MARISSA: She knows what you know -- which is the truth -- which is what I've already told you people. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Ms. Roberts, if you could please wait inside? JULIE: We have HBO on demand, Summer. Every season of Sex and the City. Knock yourself out... SUMMER: You'll be okay, Marissa. I'll be right inside. MARISSA: I've already told everybody everything. I don't want to have to go through this again. Talk about all of it. In front of strangers. ESBENSHADE: (leans in) Marissa, I need to remind you this deposition is binding, and your testimony in court can not waiver from what is said here -- MARISSA: I've already told the truth. What is the problem? D.D.A. CALDWELL: The problem, Ms. Cooper, is we don't believe you. On Marissa and Summer -- as it lands on them. They share a look. So do Jimmy and Julie -- Julie silencing Jimmy. As the tape recorder is put on the table. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Now, Ms. Roberts, please wait inside. And Ms. Cooper, I need to swear you in -- Jimmy ushers Summer to the door. A last scared look between she and Marissa -- as the door closes... On Marissa -- alone, scared, and doesn't want to dredge up the awful past again... JULIE: It's going to be okay, Marissa. As Julie takes Marissa's hand... * INT. NEWPORT GROUP - CALEB'S OFFICE - DAY Julie and Jimmy sit with an accountant, Earl Wilshire (40s). A bookish man with a mean streak. Papers everywhere. JULIE: What do you mean it's going to be months? Caleb wrote a will, just read it already. EARL WILSHIRE: It's much more difficult than that, Mrs. Cooper-Nichol. There's a lot of different accounts, off shore accounts, that we haven't yet found. JULIE: Well, take you sweet time, Earl. But meanwhile, look around? The Newport Group is empty. The CEO is dead, the CFO is in rehab. EARL WILSHIRE: I understand your plight -- JULIE: Do you understand we are paying a very high-priced Defense Attorney to protect our daughter, and he is billing us all the time. Right now, the meter's running. EARL WILSHIRE: I wish I could help. JULIE: (new tactic) I am a grieving widow. EARL WILSHIRE: (looks at Jimmy, back to Julie) Clearly. JULIE: You've seen the will, haven't you? Why don't you just tell us what's in it. It'll be our little secret. EARL WILSHIRE: I can't do that. JIMMY: Julie, this is getting pathetic -- (to the accountant) Earl, thank you for your time. Anything you could do to expedite the process. EARL WILSHIRE: Maybe I can get it done in a couple of weeks -- Jimmy's cell phone rings. He checks it. JIMMY: It's our attorney. Jimmy answers, has a conversation in the background, as Julie continues at Earl -- JULIE: Let's play hot/cold. Two million? Seven million? I have at least three million in my pre-nup coming. (off Earl) You blinked? Does one blink mean yes? EARL WILSHIRE: I didn't blink. JIMMY: (hangs up) Julie... The hospital called -- JULIE: Tug on your ear if it's more than fifteen million. (she stops cold, turns) What? What did they say? JIMMY: They said... Trey's awake. Off Julie -- stunned... silent... what does this mean? ***

אני מצרפת תרגום תמציתי שעשיתי לטקסט למעלה: אני שוב מזהירה- ספוילרים עצבניים !!! מי שלא אוהב ספוילרים- לא כדאי !!! אזהרה אחרונה תרגום תמציתי- לשלושת הסצנות הראשונות: 1. בית חולים-חדר מיון-לילה טריי מובל על אלונקה לתוך בית החולים,הכדור פגע לו בעורק ראשי והוא איבד הרבה דם הוא נראה חיוור העיינים שלו עצומות והוא בקושי נושם, הרופא מתפלא שהוא בכלל שרד. מאחור אנחנו רואים את: ראיין,מריסה סת' וסאמר. ראיין נראה חבול ויש לו חתכים ופצעים בפנים. הם הולכים אחרי האלונקה של טריי, אבל השוטרים שאיתם מנסים לעצור אותם כי יש להם שאלות לשאות אותם, ראיין רודף אחרי הרופא ושואל אותו אם טריי יהיה בסדר, הרופא עונה לו שהוא הוא יכל להיות בסדר עם מישהו לא היה יורה בו... מריסה מבוהלת היא שואלת את הרופא אם טריי הולך למות, אחד השוטרים תופס את מריסה ולוקח אותה איתו, ראיין מנסה לעזור למריסה אבל הראייה שלו מעורפלת והוא הולך להתעלף, סת' מצליח לתפוס אותו לפני שזה קורה, הוא צועק למריסה לא להגיד לשוטרים כלום, הוא מאבד את ההכרה לרגע ושהוא מתעורר שוב הוא רואה את סנדי נכנס לחדר בפאניקה. 2. אחוזת קופר-ניקול-יום ג'ולי מוזגת לימונדה לתובע המחוזי "קוולדואל" וגם לעורך הדין היקר שהיא שכרה למריסה. מריסה וסאמר נכנסות לחדר,סאמר מתבקשת לצאת על מנת שמריסה תתן את תצהיר העדות שלה,סאמר מודאגת בקשר למריסה. מריסה לא מבינה למה היא צריכה לתת את העדות שוב, היא אומרת שהיא כבר מסרה כול מה שהיא יודעת,והיא לא רוצה לחשוב על הדברים האלה שוב, התובע המחוזי אומר לה שהוא לא מאמין למה שהיא סיפרה עד כה. ג'ולי מחזיקה למריסה את היד ואומרת לה שהכול יהיה בסדר. 3. קבוצת ניופרט-המשרד של קיילב-יום. ג'ולי וג'ימי יושבים עם המנהל חשבונות "ארל וילשאייר", הוא אומר להם שייקח חודשיים ארוכים עד שהיא תוכל לקבל את הכסף שמגיע לה ע"פ חוק מכיוון שלקיילב יש הרבה חשבונות בארה"ב ובחו"ל ואת חלקם הם אפילו לא איתרו. ג'ולי לחוצה כי היא צריכה לשלם המון כסף עבור העורך דין של מריסה, היא מנסה לגרום לו לספר לה מה הוא ראה בצוואה של קיילב, אבל הוא מתחמק ממנה, היא זורקת מספרים ומבקשת ממנו להגיד "חם-קר". ג'ימי מקבל פתאום טלפון-זה העורך דין שלהם שמודיע להם כי התקשרו אליו מבית החולים והודיעו לו ש-טריי התעורר !!! דממה מתוחה משתררת בחדר.
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טוב-גם את אלה פירסמתי שבוע שעבר עוד 4 סצנות מ-301, את אלו לא תרגמתי,אבל הם מאוד מאוד מותחות !!! כדאי לכם להתאמץ ולקרוא. EXT. NEWPORT HARBOR - JIMMY'S BOAT -- MAGIC HOUR (D1) The boat skimming across the waves... Seth, Summer, Ryan and Marissa stand together. Towels around them. Watching Newport come closer... sun setting brilliantly... The image that will no doubt play in every commercial and cause millions of Americans to move to Orange County... And the four of them know -- this could be their last taste of freedom. INT. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT (N1) All is quiet in the hospital hallway. No one in sight save the nurse at her station. A shadowy figure is seen coming down the hall, reveals herself to be... Julie. Who smiles the kind of smile that scares small children. JULIE: Hi, I'm looking for Trey Atwood. NURSE: I'm sorry. Visiting hours ended a while ago -- JULIE: Did I forget to introduce myself? (extends a gloved hand) I'm Julie Cooper-Nichol. As in the Nichol wing of this hospital, which we're both standing in. NURSE: Oh, hello, Mrs. Cooper-Nichol. JULIE: Yes, my late husband was very philanthropic. Hospitals were his favorite charity. Especially making sure nurses and orderlies were compensated for all their hard work. I would hate to see his passion fall by the wayside... Off the nurse -- gulp. * MARISSA: It's not forever. We just hide out until we can get Trey to change his story. SUMMER: If we even get the chance. Sirens wail... police cherries spin... They look over to see a half dozen police cars screeching into the parking lot. POLICE OFFICER'S VOICE: (over the loud speaker) Ryan Atwood. You are under arrest. RYAN: I'm so sick of hearing that... SETH: What do we do now? MARISSA: Run!! Smash cut to: Ryan. EXT. DOCKS -- NIGHT (N2) Running as fast as he can. Up the dock. Headed for the police car. Head down... Police officers peel off -- racing after him... Gaining on him... On Ryan -- has never run so hard in his entire life... Suddenly -- a pair of police cars screech in front of him. He's pinned in. A cop behind him grabs him -- slams him down on the hood of the police car, jerking his arms behind him. COP #3: Ryan Atwood. You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Trey Atwood. As his Miranda rights are read -- and cuffs are slapped on... Seth, Marissa and Summer -- running up, breathless to see what's happened. Stopping in their tracks... as Ryan is shoved into the back of a police car... Fade out. End of Act III. * Elevator doors open. Reveal -- Marissa and Summer in their candy striper uniforms. Seth pushes a cart of books. INT. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - HALLWAY -- DAY (D3) As the three of them exit the elevator... MARISSA: I haven't worn the candy striper's uniform since like tenth grade. SUMMER: Maybe we should start volunteering again. Good thing for charity. SETH: Either way, feel free to wear the uniforms anytime. SUMMER: (whacks Seth) Cohen, you're not even part of the plan. We're just letting you push the cart. SETH: Hey, I'm here for moral support. Back up. As a lookout. I'm a real utility player. SUMMER: Well, why don't you utilize your ability to zip up and not blow the plan. MARISSA: You really think this is gonna work? SETH: Can't go worse than last night's plan. SUMMER: Just follow my lead... They arrive at the nurse's station. SUMMER: Hey, Denise. How are ya? DENISE: Summer Roberts. I haven't seen you in years. Where you been? SUMMER: I love helping sick people, it's just, they kept making me sick. (beat) So now I've been re-assigned to gun shot victims, 'cause you can't catch one of those. Off Summer -- beaming, full of confidence. Seth and Marissa share a look, will this work? DENISE: Glad to have you back. Who do you want to see? INT. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - TREY'S ROOM -- DAY (D3) Trey lays in bed... looking a little better... a knock on the door. TREY: I don't want to talk to anyone else -- (as the door opens anyway) Hey, did you hear what I -- And then he falls silent. As Marissa enters. And it's an intense moment for both of them. The first time she's seen him... and she can see the damage she's done. And the first time Trey has seen her... A moment. Neither knows what to say... TREY: (forces a smile) Come to finish the job? MARISSA: So you do know it was me who shot you. On Trey -- looks away... TREY: I'm... trying to protect you. MARISSA: Protect me? By blaming Ryan? ***
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ספוילרים חדשים ל-301 ואלו הם חבל"ז !!! במיוחד השיחה של סת' ריאן וסנדי עם התובע המחוזי. שוב- לא מתורגם SUMMER: But usually they do that so when the person wakes up, they can be played by a different actor. MARISSA: Unfortunately, Trey is still gonna be Trey. If he wakes up... SUMMER: Well, you gotta admit Coop, no matter what happens -- Ryan facing off with Trey to avenge your honor? It's pretty freaking hot. (off Marissa's look) In like, a mythic biblical Samurai Western kind of way. MARISSA: Wish that helped me sleep at night. SUMMER: Still not sleeping? MARISSA: I shot someone, Sum. In cold blood. And even if he lives -- which is a big if -- I'm gonna have to live with what I did. Forever. Summer realizes she's out of her depth here. SUMMER: Senior year. MARISSA: Should be awesome[?]... [not sure if she says 'awesome' as it's hard to read] Off these two girls -- lying in Paradise. The weight of the world on their shoulders... INT. COHEN HOUSE - KITCHEN -- MORNING (D1) TIGHT ON: A metal coffee thermos as it fills up... Emptying the pot. REVEAL -- Sandy pouring it for the Deputy District Attorney Chris Caldwell, 30s. Clean cut. Alert. A little jumpy. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Thanks a bunch, Sandy. SANDY: If a pot and a half isn't enough to get you through the morning, I can make more. D.D.A. CALDWELL: That'd be great. Chris sips at his thermos. No sense of humor detectable. SANDY: Sorry about the mess... It's been a little hectic. Seth is on his way down. D.D.A. CALDWELL: And Mr. Atwood? SANDY: Getting dressed. He slept in. First time he's slept at all lately. What these kids have been through, with this hanging over them all summer. And now with school starting... D.D.A. CALDWELL: Which is why the D.A. wants to get moving. We've waited as long as we can for the other Mr. Atwood to wake up. But now we gotta lotta parents calling. The D.A.'s under a lotta pressure to prosecute. SANDY: Except there's nothing to prosecute. Marissa Cooper's protected under Defense of Others. Which may not be sexy for your boss -- D.D.A. CALDWELL: Or true. (off Sandy) D.A.'s not looking to go after Marissa. SANDY: You gotta be kidding me. Ryan's innocent. You got his statement at the scene. And hers. D.D.A. CALDWELL: And the D.A. isn't buying it. Look at the record Ryan's got, his history of violence. And Caleb Nichol's daughter is the one blowing away ex-cons with a .45? SANDY: She was saving Ryan's life. D.D.A. CALDWELL: What we he doing over at Trey's in the first place? His brother tried to rape his girlfriend. We got cause. SANDY: There are witnesses. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Only people who saw the gun go off were Mr. Atwood, Ms. Cooper, and the other Mr. Atwood. Who may or may not wake up. SANDY: You go after Ryan -- he's even brought in on these charges -- Social Services could take him away from us. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Which explains Ms. Cooper's motivation to cover for him. Mr. Atwood's got a lot more to lose. SANDY: Including this family. Who have loved him and raised him for two years. D.D.A. CALDWELL: And if we go to trial, having your family around to speak on Mr. Atwood's behalf will go a long way to impress a jury. (beat, looks around the messy kitchen) Where is your wife anyway? SANDY: (a beat, covering) Out of town. CUT TO ---> המשך בהודעה הבאה (פשוט מגמר לי המקום)
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ההמשך של הספוילרים החדשים מההודעה הקודמת CUT TO: KIRSTEN: My name is Kirsten. And I'm an alcoholic. EXT. SURIAK REHAB CENTER -- MORNING (D1) Kirsten, looking healthy and rested, sits in a circle with a dozen of other patients. Dr. Woodruff is in the circle as well. Hanging behind them, prominently, are the 12 steps. The group responds back, "Hello Kirsten..." DR. WOODRUFF: Kirsten, your progress here at Suriak has been truly wonderful to watch. You're a model patient for everyone here. KIRSTEN: Well, I don't know about that. I mean, Shelly is definitely the better poker player. She's cleaned me out... Kirsten smiles at another woman (Shelly, 30s) sitting off to the side. A few chuckles from the group. KIRSTEN: But luckily these last few months have taught me humility. DR. WOODRUFF: Admitting your powerlessness over alcohol is a great cure for hubris. KIRSTEN: And a hangover. (a beat) But yes, being here has given me the clarity to understand why I turned to alcohol in the first place. How I could feel so empty, so unhappy given everything I have. And I have it all -- great husband, wonderful kids, powerful job, more money then I could ever spend... * INT. COHEN HOUSE - DINING ROOM -- MORNING Ryan sits across from Caldwell. Sandy with him. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Mr. Atwood. You swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? RYAN: I do. Caldwell slides the tape recorder across the table at him. D.D.A. CALDWELL: So you won't mind if I record this deposition? And now we realize he's talking to Seth. And we will intercut during this Q&A between the two boys... SETH: Sure. Record it. Release it on iTunes. Hope it's a big hit. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Just answer the question. BACK TO -- RYAN: I've already answered these questions. I have nothing new to say. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Your previous statement came at the hospital -- it was traumatic, it's been a couple months, maybe you remember things differently now. SETH: I remember everything exactly as I told you. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Well, then you can tell me again... TIME LAPSE DISSOLVE -- RYAN: I confronted Trey about what had happened... And that's when he pulled the gun on me... SETH: ...we called Marissa to see if she could maybe stop Ryan -- RYAN: ...and that's when Marissa saved my life. D.D.A. CALDWELL: You mean that's when Marissa shot Trey? You witnessed the shooting? SETH: It was clear when we got there what had happened -- must've happened -- D.D.A. CALDWELL: Just answer the question. Did you witness the shooting? RYAN: No. I did not. I didn't shoot him. D.D.A. CALDWELL: Your fingerprints were on the gun? RYAN: Because I put the safety back on, to make sure it didn't go off again. Everyone was... not thinking. D.D.A. CALDWELL: One final question. What were you afraid was going to happen between Ryan and his brother? Why were you trying to stop him? On Seth -- not answering... knows this is a trap... D.D.A. CALDWELL: You went to Trey's that night to kill your brother, didn't you, Mr. Atwood? On Ryan -- not answering... knows this is a trap... On the tape recorder -- click! It runs out of tape. *

אלו כבר ספוילרים מ-302, שני סצנות עם סאמר ומריסה ודמות חדשה בשם טיילור. ביינתים זה מה שיש לפרק השני של העונה השלישית, אם יהיה עוד אני אפרסם. Taylor sides for episode two. We don't have a title yet. * INT. HARBOR SCHOOL - STUDENT LOUNGE -- DAY (D1) Taylor Townsend (perky, cardigan-wearing, goody two-shoes) stands at a podium, addressing a dozen or so mini-Newpsies, a.k.a. the Social Committee, who have assembled in the lounge. TAYLOR: Okay, guys, I've spent the whole summer working on this kick-off carnival, so I have a lot of great ideas. I mean, I didn't have a vacation, but it's okay... somebody had to do it. Taylor continues as we go back to Summer and Marissa standing in the doorway. SUMMER: Coop. She's totally stealing your meeting. MARISSA: Yeah. Taylor's been fighting me for Social Chair since we were freshmen. SUMMER: Nothing I hate more than perky blond girls who want to take over the world. Come on. Summer charges in with Marissa behind her. SUMMER: Taylor? I think you're at Marissa's podium. Taylor turns. Marissa gives her a little "I'm here" wave. TAYLOR: Marissa. I'm sorry. I went ahead and guessed you wouldn't be making it today. MARISSA: Well, I'm right here. TAYLOR: (loudly) I just assumed with everything you've been through this summer. You know... She makes a gun gesture with her hands, as if she's being subtle. MARISSA: Thanks. But I'm fine. TAYLOR: You are so strong. But listen, if it gets to be too much? Just holler. I can take over, since I pretty much did the whole thing last year. MARISSA: Uh huh. Great. Can you move your things off the podium now? TAYLOR: Absolutely. Be gone in a jiff. Taylor goes back to the podium, leaving Marissa and Summer. SUMMER: Forget what I said. I'm joining Social Committee. MARISSA: You are? SUMMER: Look, Taylor Townsend might be class president and editor of the yearbook? But she's not getting her paws on your Social Chair. I won't let her. MARISSA: What about the willies? SUMMER: I can brave the willies for a cause, Coop. And sticking it to that Newpsie-in-training? There's a cause. Off Marissa, grateful for her friend. * INT. HARBOR SCHOOL - STUDENT LOUNGE -- DAY (D2) Summer walks into the lounge. Again, Taylor is addressing the crowd. TAYLOR: What happened to Marissa Cooper is a tragedy. But let it be a lesson to all of us. One day we're on top, and the next day we're on the streets. With that in mind, I'd like to take a moment of silence to remember Marissa Cooper and the great work she did as Social Chair. Taylor takes a bullshitty moment of silence. The girls bow their heads. Summer looks around, grossed out. TAYLOR: That felt good. Okay, so it is with a heavy heart that I assume Marissa's position as Social Chair. Summer can't take it anymore. Raises her hand. SUMMER: Excuse me? TAYLOR: (surprised to see her) Summer Roberts? SUMMER: Doesn't anyone else get a chance to try out? TAYLOR: What, are you saying you want to be Social Chair? SUMMER: Maybe. Taylor giggles a little bit. TAYLOR: Um, okay... Have you ever done this before? SUMMER: Not this, but -- TAYLOR: Have you ever done any extracurricular work? And remember, shopping doesn't count. SUMER: Okay, so I'm not super qualified. But you're not either. TAYLOR: Summer, who do you think has been running this committee these last few years? SUMMER: Marissa Cooper. TAYLOR: (gains steam as she talks) Marissa Cooper has been busy. Skipping school. Experimenting with her sexual orientation. And I was here picking up the slack. Doing the work, while she got all the credit. SUMMER: (backing down) Yeah, well... TAYLOR: (furious/psycho) Do you know what it's like to have all of the responsibility and none of the power? Do you? Summer is taken aback, has no response. TAYLOR: (big smile) Okay then. Let's get to work. We've got a carnival to throw!
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ידוע כרגע על ליהוקים ל-2 תפקידים חדשים לפרק השני בעונה השלישית, הליהוקים יהיו לשחקני אורח שישחקו תפקידים חוזרים (משהו כמו אלכס לינדזי אנה לוק וכו')בכמה פרקים. 1. התפקיד הראשון הוא- בחור מהמהם כבן 20 שעובד בבית הספר שמחליט שמריסה, סת' וסאמר הם "טרבל מייקר'ס" (עושי צרות). 2.התפקיד השני- נערה שמתחרה עם סאמר בכל רמה אפשרית מבית ספר, יו"ר של פעילויות חברתיות ועד בנים. (לדעתי זו הטיילור הזו שיש לנו סצנה שלה עם סאמר) כמו כן בפרקים 1 ו-2 לעונה זו יש מלא ליהוקים של ניצבים כשוטרים (כנראה בגלל כל הסיפור עם טריי)


New member
לא שלא מעניין..

פשוט אף אחד לא רוצה לספיילר לעצמו, בטח במיוחד אלה שעדיין בתחילת העונה ה-2.
לי זה נראה

שדווקא יש אנשים שקוראים, אבל לא מגיבים. (לפי התגובות לספוילרים שפרסמתי שבוע שעבר- הרבה קראו אותם וביקשו שאני אתרגם וכאלה) אין לי בעיה עם זה, אני לא אפרסם יותר, כי על פניו נראה שאין ביקוש.
על מה אתה מדבר ?

מה זה ה-לייב8 ? לא משם הבאתי את הספוילרים (אם לזה התכוונת).


New member

איפה חיית בשבוע האחרון
ולא הדלקת היום טלויזיה
Live 8 זה מופע צדקה שנועד לשכנע את 8 המדינות העשירות (שייפשגו בועידת ה G8) לעשות משהו בקשר לעוני באפריקה (כל 3 שניות מת ילד באפריקה כתוצאה מעוני - זה בלתי נתפס. בזמן שאני כותב את המילים האלו מתים כל כך הרבה ילדים). צעד ראשון זה מחיקת החובות של מדינות אפריקה למדינות העשירות (מסתכם ב 40 מיליארד דולר. כסף קטן אם נשים בפרופורציה: תקציב ההגנה האמריקני הוא 400 מיליארד!)
אההה- פשוט לא הבנתי איך זה קשור

להודעה שלי שהוא הגיב עליה. ובטח ששמעתי על המופע הזה, פשוט לא ידעתי שקוראים לו ה"לייב8" ולכן לא הבנתי מה קשור למה...


New member
עד עכשיו לא למדת

שיש פה אנשים לא קשורים כאלה
נראה לי שגם אני נכנס בהגדרה הזאת לפעמים.
פרדי אני לא עומדת בקצב !!

יש לי איזה 20 מסרים וכולם ממך !! תגיד לי, הגבת לכל הודעה אפשרית שפירסמתי היום ?
ואתה הכי לא קשור
(בתשובה לשאלתך)


New member
זה טוב שאת זוכה לתשומת לב

אל תעודדי אותי לא לענות על הודעות. אני מקדם את הפורום (בדרכי המיוחדת
). ולא שאלתי אם אני קשור או לא. הצהרתי שנראה לי שרק לעיתים אני לא קשור.
הסברתי את עצמי כבר בשרשור

לא ידעתי שקוראים למופע ה"לייב8" ולומר את האמת גם לא צפיתי בו זה פשוט לא מעניין אותי (לא אומרת שלא מעניינים אותי הילדים הרעבים באפריקה, פשוט אני לא בן אדם שיושב מול הטלויזיה ורואה מופע רוק).