שרשור ספוילרים לעונה 6


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../images/Emo58.gifשרשור ספוילרים לעונה 6../images/Emo58.gif



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../images/Emo58.gifספוילרים לעונה 6:

מהטוויטר של Freelancer:
Episode 7 is called "Known Unknows" As for episode 8, it feels kind of "shippy" - for lack of a better word. (About episode 8:) For those who are asking, it is pretty much a combination of at least 3 or 4 pairings combined, plus, there MIGHT be a new one. By the way, bribe all you want, I am NOT saying a thing about the new pairing. I don't even want to imagine the consequences.​
עוד ספוילרים לעונה 6 כאן: http://twitter.com/search?q=freelancer__


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../images/Emo58.gifספוילרים לעונה 6:

הודעה של yukiyu בפורום HHOW:
LE said on Creative Emmy's red carpet they spent 2 days on location at Lake Arrowhead..these are the scenes of the conference. LE,HL,RSL and MW were there.​
וראיון עם ליסה אדלשטיין: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEE_urJfc0M


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../images/Emo58.gifספוילרים לעונה 6 מ-Freelancer:

The only thing im a little curious about is how is Cuddy going to have a relationship with Lucas if he's only in one episode? He isn't in one episode. Freelancer confirmed that Cuddy and Lucas have a serious relationship and she is talking about episode 8. Honestly - and this is just my opinion - it seems to me that the purpose of this arc is to further explore C feelings for H. Suffice to say, House is not going to take the news very well. colormegaby: @freelancer__ Cuddy finds out that H doesn't take her relationship w/ Lucas lightly? Does she take it into consideration? Yes, she does find out. briteen: @freelancer__ Cameron leaves the team? I'd say ships wars are going to seem like nothing compared to how angry Cameron fans are going to be​


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../images/Emo58.gifעוד ספוילר לעונה 6:

מהטוויטר של Freelancer:
I can tell you I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a "Huddy" shipper - or fandom - during november sweeps. I'll shush now.​


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