שרשור ספוילרים לעונה 6


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../images/Emo58.gif"האוס" מועמדת לגלובוס הזהב ולפרס WGA:

מועמדויות לגלובוס הזהב:
Best Television Series - Drama "Big Love" (2006) "Dexter" (2006) "House M.D." (2004) "Mad Men" (2007) "True Blood" (2008) Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama Simon Baker for "The Mentalist" (2008) Michael C. Hall for "Dexter" (2006) Jon Hamm for "Mad Men" (2007) Hugh Laurie for "House M.D." (2004) Bill Paxton for "Big Love" (2006)​
מועמדות לפרס WGA (פרס איגוד התסריטאים):
EPISODIC DRAMA – any length – one airing time “Broken, Part 1 and Part 2” (House), Written by Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner & David Foster & David Shore; Fox “Come, Ye Saints” (Big Love), Written by Melanie Marnich; HBO “The Grown Ups” (Mad Men), Written by Brett Johnson and Matthew Weiner; AMC “Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency” (Mad Men), Written by Robin Veith and Matthew Weiner; AMC “I Will Rise Up” (True Blood), Written by Nancy Oliver; HBO “Phoenix” (Breaking Bad), Written by John Shiban; AMC​


New member
../images/Emo58.gifספוילרים לעונה 6 ממייקל אוסיילו:

Question: There is a rumor circulating that House has a twentysomething son and he’ll turn up in the season finale. Any truth to this? —Malinda Ausiello: You mean the twentysomething son played by French actor/stuntman Sebastien Soudais? That’s what we in the biz call a full-of-crap rumor. It all got started when the role of “House’s son” suddenly appeared on his IMDB page. “I don’t know who did that,” Soudais tells me of the listing, which has since been removed. “I really like House, but I never would have made something like that up.” Ironically, I’m having the opposite problem. I’ve been trying for weeks to get my upcoming role as Cuddy’s BFF uploaded to my IMDB page but it won’t take. What am I doing wrong?​
הספוילר השני נלקח מכאן: http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2009/12/16/ask-ausiello-spoilers-ncis-glee-bones/