שרשור ספוילרים לעונה 6


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../images/Emo58.gifספוילרים לעונות 6 ו-7:

ספוילרים מ-BuddyTV: http://www.buddytv.com/articles/house/jennifer-morrison-talks-about-35260.aspx ספוילרים מ-Fancast:
Do you think ‘House’s Chase and Thirteen will hook up soon? I love them together. – IrisWoo via Twitter I too have noticed (and enjoyed) their increasing closeness in recent weeks. But any such hook-up seems a bit down the road, or at least not until Chase and Cameron have their well-scooped face-to-face on April 12. “She comes back and obviously they talk about their relationship, what it is and what’s going to happen,” Jesse Spencer told Fancast. “He’s still heartbroken.”​
הספוילרים מ-Fancast נלקחו מכאן: http://www.fancast.com/blogs/2010/tv-news/the-big-tease-scoop-on-bones-csi-ny-and-lots-more/


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