New member
../images/Emo58.gifתקציר 16 מאי 2006
Bo wrestles with his guilt and at home, runs into Jennifer who is cleaning out Zack’s room for Hope. Angry, Bo isn’t happy Jennifer’s doing this; she tells him that she’s sorry and offers to leave. Bo and Jennifer talk about his being with Billie and Patrick being with Hope. Jennifer leaves. Bo remembers a happier time with Hope and his family and he fears there’s no going back.
Bo wrestles with his guilt and at home, runs into Jennifer who is cleaning out Zack’s room for Hope. Angry, Bo isn’t happy Jennifer’s doing this; she tells him that she’s sorry and offers to leave. Bo and Jennifer talk about his being with Billie and Patrick being with Hope. Jennifer leaves. Bo remembers a happier time with Hope and his family and he fears there’s no going back.