The Ancient Mariner
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נטע, אני ממש מצטער על פתיחת הודעה ראשית חדשה, אבל כפי שתראי מהתוכן, אכן מגיע לה להיות בנפרד - והיא אכן ראויה להודעת
השבוע!!! אני מקווה שבקרוב השינוי המדהים הזה יגיע גם לישראל: מתוך אתר PeTa:
נטע, אני ממש מצטער על פתיחת הודעה ראשית חדשה, אבל כפי שתראי מהתוכן, אכן מגיע לה להיות בנפרד - והיא אכן ראויה להודעת

At Pizza Hut, Everyone Can Smile and Say, “Soy Cheese!” In 2001, Pizza Hut became the first company in history to deliver pizza to the pioneers living in outer space on the International Space Station. In 2002, Pizza Hut made history again—by becoming the first international pizza chain to make pizzas with soy cheese. Since soy cheese is low in fat, cholesterol-free, a great source of protein, and, best of all, cow-friendly, pizza-lovers are singing, “Soy to the world!” Currently the soy cheese pizzas are available only in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, but if sales go well, the availability of soy may go nationwide or even global. With nearly 12,000 restaurants in 88 countries, plus an expansion rate of two new Pizza Hut stores per day, that’s moosic to our ears! Our pick for a slice of paradise is the Veggie Lover’s pie, including fresh mushrooms, red onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and black olives. Choose the “Thin ’n’ Crispy” crust with traditional pizza sauce, which is vegan. If you live in Indiana or near Indiana or just need an excuse for a road trip, stop by a Ft. Wayne-area Pizza Hut today and tell them you appreciate the addition of soy cheese to their menus. Your visit may someday help the rest of us enjoy a “cheesy” slice of Pizza Hut heaven.