פול וויסלי על מגזין אוקטובר

../images/Emo60.gifפול וויסלי על מגזין אוקטובר

של Wonderland Magazine . Paul Wesley is featured in the October/5th anniversary issue of Wonderland Magazine in a striking black and white photoshoot. The accompanying interview touches on Stefan’s changing role in The Vampire Diaries, Paul’s career (including how he’d like to play a role opposite of Stefan and write screenplays), and his family. He also mentions an aspect of TVD’s appeal that more and more people seem to be realizing: [The show] becomes addictive, even for people who aren’t into the genre. I have two younger sisters and oddly enough they were not followers of Twilight until they saw The Vampire Diaries. We have a lot of different followers, people like my dad, who are maybe not the target demographic, and my brother-in-law, for example, he watched it and totally got into it. Big thanks to LJ user fairchilds for posting these scans on Oh No They Didn’t. Read the entire interview: Part 1 and Part 2. You can check out the photospread below (click to enlarge) or view them in the Gallery.